migrated broken FB link to GD
'''[[Dry Yeast for Sour Ales BlackManYeast]] on all blends'''
"My yeast blends are 95 billion CFUs of bacteria for primary fermentation [with] 1.055SG/5 Gallon direct pitch." - Barrett Tillman, owner of BMY <ref>[https://wwwdrive.facebookgoogle.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1041201869241360/open?comment_id=1041947599166787&offset=0&total_commentsid=25 17_xHSAMqTA3Tlbundy0dXbvX0AqJ1ILf6OEWxCLMso4 Conversation with Barrett Tillman on Milk The Funk. 3/22/2015.]</ref>.
Separate ''Brettanomyces'' culture(s) recommended. Order of acidity from least to greatest is: A4, B4, F4, G4, and K4. Generations 2 and 3 start to become more acidic <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1213239365370942/?comment_id=1213348992026646&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Conversation with Barrett Tillman on MTF. 01/13/2016].</ref>.