added link "Kristoffer Krogarus summarizes his published study on finding the gene promoter that explains why some STA1 strains do not ferment starches or dextrins, how this is linked to the Beer 2 yeast group and is not found in wild strains of ''S. c...
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| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2697088176986046/ Kristoffer Krogarus summarizes his published study on finding the gene promoter that explains why some STA1 strains do not ferment starches or dextrins, how this is linked to the Beer 2 yeast group and is not found in wild strains of ''S. cerevisiae'', and new PCR primers for detecting STA1 vs STA1 non-active vs no STA1.] || Kristoffer Krogarus || 05/31/2019
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2307557772605757/ MTF discusses "The Freshening Power of the Hop" (also known as "Dry Hop Creep").] See also the [[Hops#The_Freshening_Power_of_the_Hop|Hops wiki page]]. || Mike Lentz || 10/05/2018