→Mainiacal Yeast
| MTF Quick Souring Blend || || || 60-100 || This blend include 4 Kveik strains with all of their yeast and bacteria included. Simonaitis(we know its technically not Kveik), Gravnin, Hornindal, and Raftevold. We’ve also added two Lactobacillus plantarum strains. We find this blend makes a sour pineapple apple cider type beer. The bacteria in this blend is very hop intolerant so we’d suggest little to no hops at all to achieve souring. If hops are desired we’d suggest dry hopping after the desired acidity is achieved. The temperature range is between 60-100F. We suggest around 85-90F for optimal performance from both the yeast and bacteria. We also suggest adding yeast nutrients on any ferments over 80F as the Kveik in the blend can be a bit more nutrient demanding at higher temps. This blend can also be used for a longer term ferment with ''Brettanomyces'' in secondary. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Milk the Funk <ref>[https://www.mainiacalyeast.com/online-shop/milk-the-funk-quick-souring-blend "Milk the Funk Quick Souring Blend". Mainiacal Yeast website. Retrieved 07/23/2018.]</ref>.