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Grbin (1996) reported that some wines express mousy taint after oxidation <ref name="Grbin_1996" />, however, ATHP in food has been identified as being very volatile in the presence of oxygen <ref>[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1021949815000277?via%3Dihub Reactivity and stability of selected flavor compounds. Monthana Weerawatanakorn, Jia-Ching Wu, Min-Hsiung Pan, Chi-Tang Ho. 2015. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfda.2015.02.001.]</ref><ref name="Tempère_2019" />.
Shilpi Halemane from Logsdon Farmhouse Ales anecdotally reported getting THP in bottles that were not purged properly on their bottling line, and this was detected at the end of the day on the same day <ref>"Wild Beer Curling: Course Correcting and Guiding Your Beer to Success". HomebrewCon Seminar. 2018.</ref> (~14:50 mins in).