added link to External Resources ""Understanding pH and Titratable Acidity in Sour Beer: Tools for Brewers and Enthusiasts Alike" by Stan Hieronymus on the Craft Beer & Brewing Managzine website'
* [http://horscategoriebrewing.blogspot.com/2015/05/cbc-take-homes.html Dave Janssen's discussion of Kara Taylor's CBC talk].
* [http://embracethefunk.com/ph-readings-of-commercial-beers/ pH Readings of Commercial Beers, Embrace the Funk Blog, Brandon Jones.]
* [https://beerandbrewing.com/understanding-ph-and-titratable-acidity-in-sour-beer-tools-for-brewers-and/ "Understanding pH and Titratable Acidity in Sour Beer: Tools for Brewers and Enthusiasts Alike" by Stan Hieronymus on the Craft Beer & Brewing Managzine website.]
* [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016AY7T76?colid=2U7JPR40PC5G2&coliid=I30J7IAENBH9DZ Amazon source for NaOH.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1211858545509024/ MTF discussion regarding Kara Taylor's BA presentation that shows TA for multiple beers, and suggestion for using "Sour Units" as a measurement for beer.]