added to History " Follow up post from the Milk The Funk "The Podcast" interview with Benedikt Koch about traditional German Berliner Weisse with contributions from Ron Smith on experiencing the accurate historical versions from Schneeeule, as well as...
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| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2244788755549326/ Follow up post from the Milk The Funk "The Podcast" interview with Benedikt Koch about traditional German Berliner Weisse with contributions from Ron Smith on experiencing the accurate historical versions from Schneeeule, as well as accumulated data on ester/acid profiles from traditional Berliner Weisse versus kettle soured Berliner Weisse and Belgian gueuze by Benedikt.] || Art Whitaker || 08/21/2018
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2235151009846434/ Discussing the history of fermenting wild grown grapes in North America.] || Eirik Storesund || 08/14/2018