Added "Beachwood Blendery's analysis of Belgian Gueuze and their own sour beers as a tool for reaching a similar acid and flavor profile."
! Overview !! Thread Starter !! Date
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2177385968956272/ Beachwood Blendery's analysis of Belgian Gueuze and their own sour beers as a tool for reaching a similar acid and flavor profile.] || Ryan Fields || 07/13/2018
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2088831314478405/ Exploring the idea of whether or not xanthum gum could be broken down by ''Brettanomyces'' in such a way that effects of ''Pediococcus'' ropiness are replicated.] || Colin Burton || 05/10/2018