added Lactic Acid Tet
==Limitations of TA==
Although a better representation of perceived acidity than pH, titratable acidity might have some limitations on accurately measuring perceived acidity in beer. See [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1481798761848333/ this MTF discussion] for details.
==Lactic Acid Test==
Tim Lozen from Bells Brewing Co reported in a presentation for the Master Brewers Conference that using a [https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/mm/116127?lang=en®ion=US Lactic Acid Test] using reflectometric with test strips (RQ) to test the amount of lactic acid was cheaper than other laboratory methods such as chromatography. They reported that the RQ measurement was more relevant to percieved acidity, and proposed that a ratio of RQ to TA resulted in consistant production of sour beer (presumably kettle sours). See [http://masterbrewerspodcast.com/085-lactic-acid-bacteria-case-study this MBAA podcast episode].
==See Also==