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105 bytes added, 13:33, 26 January 2018
Pitching Rate Calculators
Given this information, many brewers historically have been using the lager pitching rate settings in online yeast pitching calculators for ''Brettanomyces'' starters (around 2000 mL, for example). Effectively, this means they have been pitching around 4 to 5 times the amount of ''Brettanomyces'' cells that they thought they were pitching. However, if this very high pitching rate is giving good results for brewers, it should continue to be used. Exploration of ''Brettanomyces'' pitching rates for 100% Brett fermentations is something to be desired once we know what our pitching rates actually are, and many brewers have been pitching 4-5 times the pitching rate for lagers if they use an online yeast pitching rate calculator instead of counting the cells under a [[Microscope|microscope]].
See also [[100%25_Brettanomyces_Fermentation#Starter_Information|100% ''Brettanomyces'' fermentation]].
====MYPG Growth Substrate====

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