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Use this page for rough drafts.
Table of Contents
* [[FAQ]]
* Microorganisms
** [[Brettanomyces]]
** [[Lactobacillus]]
** [[Pediococcus]]
** [[Mixed Cultures]]
** [[Kveik]]
** [[Saccharomyces]]
* Techniques
* Styles
* Equipment
** [[Barrel]]
** [[PH Meter]]
** [[Foeder]]
** [[Coolship]]
** [[Microscope]]
** [[Floor Corker]]
** [[IBC Tote]]
** [[Sanke Fermentor]]
** [[Eccentric Beekeeper Bulldog]]
** [[YEPD]]
* Recipes and Ingredients
** [[MTF Member Recipes]]
** [[Grain]]
** [[Hops]]
** [[Soured Fruit Beer]]
** [[Soured Herb, Spice, and Vegetable Beer]]
* Compounds
** [[Butyric Acid]]
** [[Isovaleric Acid]]
** [[Glycosides]]
** [[Dimethyl Sulfide]]
** [[Tetrahydropyradine]]
* Styles
** [[Gose]]
** [[Berliner Weissbier]]
* Literature
** [[Scientific Publications]]
** [[Books]]
** [[Blogs]]
** [[Podcasts]]
** [[Videos]]
** [[NHC Seminars]]
* Experiments
** [[100% Lactobacillus Fermentation]]
** [[Brettanomyces Propagation Experiment]]
** [[Brettanomyces secondary fermentation experiment]]
** [[Brettanomyces Storage Survival Experiment]]
* Communities
** [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk Facebook Group]
** [[Milk_the_Funk|Wiki Editors]]
** [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=zPpiTs9ZsxvE.kUCYXz1LnJX0 MTF Member Google Map]]
** [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1133778659983680/ MTF Member Instagrams]
* Discussions
** [[MTF Thread Highlights]]
** [[Gueuze and Lambic Character]]
** [[Sour Beer Terminology]]