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==Production from Malt==
While malted barley contains small but not insignificant amounts of DMS (more than 10 ppm) <ref name="Scheuren2016"></ref>, the primary source of DMS are the precursors S-methyl methionine (SMM) and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), both of which are present in malted barley <ref name="Anness"></ref>. When listed on malt analysis sheets they are usually listed as a combined value as "DMS-P" or "DMSP". This value should be between 5-15 ppm for pilsner malts, and less for fully modified malt <ref>[http://morebeer.com/brewingtechniques/bmg/noonan.html Understanding Malt Analysis Sheets -- How to Become Fluent in Malt Analysis Interpretation. Greg Noonan. Retrieved 03/02/2016.]</ref>. DMSP is rarely included on modern malt analysis sheets because it is viewed as much less important than the brewing process <ref>"Unraveling the Malt Puzzle." Joseph Hertrich. Michigan Brewers Guild MBAA – District Michigan Winter Conference. 01/13/2012. Retrieved 08/04/2016.</ref>.
===SMM Precursor===