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2 bytes added, 16:22, 18 May 2016
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The ability of a given ''Brettanomyces'' strain to ferment different types of sugars might be at least partially linked to its source of isolation. For example, a strain of ''B. bruxellensis'' isolated from a soft drink could not ferment the disaccharides maltose, turanose, or the trisaccharide melezitose, whereas all of the other ''B. bruxellensis'' strains isolated from beer and wine could ferment these disaccharides/trisaccharide. The beer strains, however, were unable to ferment cellobiose or gentiobiose, as well as arbutin and methyl-glucoside. The wine strains were able to ferment these disaccharides, perhaps because they were adapted to the environment in which they were isolated from (wine barrels). Further studies are needed to see if this is a trend throughout the species <ref name="Crauwels1"></ref>.
Currently, research into how well ''Brettanomyces'' strains ferment the trisaccharide maltotriose has not been explored much by science, however one study found that ''B. custersianus'' can ferment maltotriose. Another study found that all 7 strains of ''B. bruxellensis'' tested could ferment maltotriose, but not the trisaccharide raffinose. More investigation into this possibility is needed <ref>[ Determination of sugar metabolism profiles of non-traditional yeasts in the Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces families. J. D. Cook, W. A. DEUTSCHMAN. ASBC Proceeding. 2015.]</ref><ref name="Crauwels1"></ref>.  The below table is an example of the variety of sugar types that different strains/species of ''Brettanomyces'' banked at the [ National Collection of Yeast Cultures] can ferment under aerobic growth and semi-aerobic fermentation (the '''semi-aerobic''' fermentation value is probably more useful for brewers since oxygen availability is limited during fermentation in normal brewing practices):
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