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Sour Worting is a process in which [[Lactobacillus]] is given a "jump head start" , pitched before the yeast so that it will be able to creating produce significant amounts of lactic acid in a batch of wort before the primary saccharomyces completes the main fermentation is started by pitching yeast. There are several variations on this method, including souring in the boil kettle or another vessel besides the primary fermenter, and souring in a secondary vessel, or even souring in the primary fermenterboil kettle itself. There are also variations on how to add various methods of inoculating the wort with Lactobacillus to . Finally, the brewer has the option of pasteurizing the wort, as well as choosing whether or not by heating it to heat pasteurize kill the wort Lactobacillus before adding it to the primary fermenteryeast for the main fermentation. Many brewers prefer this process over [[Sour Mashing]] because the process it can be easier to control. When conditions are controlled , and when implemented properly, it produces a clean sour beer can be produced very quicklyin a short amount of time. When The possibility of pasteurizing the soured wort is heat pasteurized, also makes this is also a great good method for making sour styles of beer beers with a lot of residual malt sweetness, such as (e.g. sour barley wines. Heat pasteurizing the wort is ), and should also a good option for make it attractive to brewers who are concerned about infection issues in their cold side equipment (equipment that is used post-boil).
===Souring in the Boil Kettle===
The brewing process is the same for any all grain brewing process batch up until the first wort and sparge runnings are collected into the boil kettle. The temperatures that a typical mash out/sparge reach should be enough to pasteurize the wort <ref name="pasteurization">[http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/cellular-microscopic/pasteurization4.htm Heat pasteurization]</ref>. Once all of the wort is collected in the boil kettle, the wort is chilled to around 80-120°F (37-48°C), depending on the [[Lactobacillus]] culture that is being used. Once chilled to the temperature that is appropriate, the brewer pitches their wort in the kettle is inoculated with a culture of Lactobacillus directly into the kettle.
There are various methods of inoculating the wort. A reliable method is pitching a pure culture of Lactobacillus. Alternatively, a handful of unmilled malted barley can be added to the kettle for inoculation instead of a pure culture, since the husks of grain carry many microorganisms (not just Lactobacillus; , though the temperature and low level of oxygen in the wort however favors should favor Lactobacillus). If unmilled grain is added, it is recommended to fill the head space of the kettle with CO2 because oxygen can encourage off flavors such as rancid cheese from [[Butyric Acid]] and/or [[Isovaleric Acid]], which is produced by microbes that are naturally found on the grain. Keeping the temperature between 113°F-120°F (45°C-48.8°C) will encourage naturally found Lactobacillus on the grain, and will discourage other bacteria. Lowering the pH of the wort to under 4.5 will also discourage many other bacteria from thriving in the wort during the incubation period.
If a pure culture of Lactobacillus bacteria is used it is ideal but not necessary to fill the head space of the fermenter with CO2 gas (some brewers have reported that this will help reduce sulfur in the finished beer). The kettle should be held at the desired temperature for 24-72 hours (in some cases longer, but no longer than 5 days). Depending on the strain of Lactobacillus, and the desired sour level, the time of incubation is ultimately a variable that is up to the brewer. The kettle lid should be firmly in place and optionally sealed with plastic wrap so that other microorganisms do not get in. Potential formation of [[Butyric Acid]] and [[Isovaleric Acid]] when using only a pure culture is extremely slight to none assuming no other microbes are allowed inside the kettle.