added general heat/cold tolerance under Cell Growth section
Maximum cell densities of ''Pedio'' and ''Lacto'' are around 50-80 million cells/mL. Since they tend to have high nutrient demands, this number varies based on the conditions of the propogation <ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/Homebrewing/comments/3qp7b7/advanced_brewers_round_table_neva_parker_white/cwh7iqq Neva Parker, Reddit thread. 10/29/2015.]</ref>.
Most ''Lactobacillus'' species have a thermal death rate of ~145°F (63°C). Freezing will kill most cells, but it is possible for a very small number of cold-resistant mutant cells to survive <ref>[http://fermentationnation.net/2015/11/episode-26-quality-assurance-w-jessica-davis-of-the-bruery/ Fermentation nation Podcast interview with Jessica Davis, QA for The Bruery.</ref> (~1:19:00 in).
====Hop Tolerance====