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Note regarding Granvin strains: Preiss is still trying to sort out which Granvin yeasts are duplicates and which are unique.
====Unpurified/Mixed Cultures vs Single Isolates====
While brewers have made many claims about the difference of unpurified kveik cultures compared to single isolates offered by yeast labs, little work has been done so far to differentiate the effects of pitching original unpurified cultures of kveik versus lab isolates. This is mostly due to the complexity of these mixed cultures, which makes it difficult to study in a laboratory setting. Dr. Maitreya Dunhman noted during a laboratory study on yeast repitching that repitching unpurified or mixed strains of kveik led to at least one observable effect, which is that the strains do not appear to out-compete each other. Normally, when two strains are combined and repitched, one strain tends to rise to dominate the population over the other strains in the population. This was not the case with kveik, which indicates some sort of mutual benefit between strains within the original kveik mixed cultures <ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPHwItOxuK0 Dr. Maitreya Dunham. Interview on Escarpment Labs YouTube channel. 08/18/2021.]</ref>(~44:30 mins in).
====Final Beer pH====