replaced some occurences of "diastaticus" with "diastatic"
Diastatic strains of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'', historically designated as a variant of ''S. cerevisiae'' (''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus''), is a group of ''S. cerevisiae'' strains that can ferment certain types of starches and dextrins, and has been identified as a contaminant in breweries and is responsible for a few large recalls. The variant based nomenclature has been called into question (classifying it as a true variant based on one phenotype is not typical in microbiology), and terms like "''STA1+'' strains of ''S. cerevisiae''" or "diastatic ''cerevisiae''" have been proposed as a more scientifically correct designation <ref name="Omega_diastaticus_2020">[https://omegayeast.com/news/improved-functional-assays-and-risk-assessment-for-sta-strains-of-saccharomyces-cerevisiae Improved Functional Assays and Risk Assessment for STA+ Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Laura T. Burns, Christine D. Sislak, Nathan L. Gibbon, Nicole R. Saylor, Marete R. Seymour, Lance M. Shaner, and Patrick A. Gibney. 2020. Awaiting peer review and publication.]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3308119659216225/?comment_id=3308312722530252&reply_comment_id=3308849332476591 Kristoffer Krogerus. Milk The Funk Facebook group post on diastatic ''cerevisiae'' nomenclature. 02/27/2020.]</ref><ref name="krogerus_diastatic_2020">[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00253-020-10531-0 A re-evaluation of diastatic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains and their role in brewing. Kristoffer Krogerus and Brian Gibson. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2020). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-020-10531-0.]</ref>. These strains generally do not produce flavors that are considered unpleasant. For example, acetaldehyde and sulfur dioxide are produced in very low amounts compared to other brewing strains. With the exception of a couple of strains, such as the "Sacch Trois" strain, almost all diastatic ''cerevisiae'' strains produce phenols (POF+), which are considered an off-flavor in many beer styles. Most strains also produced significant amounts of isoamyl acetate (banana ester) and other fruity esters, making them taste very similar to German wheat strains. A small number of strains also produce above flavor threshold levels of diacetyl <ref name="Meier-Dörnberg_2018">[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29518233 Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety diastaticus friend or foe? Spoilage potential and brewing ability of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety diastaticus yeast isolates by genetic, phenotypic and physiological characterization. Meier-Dörnberg T, Kory OI, Jacob F, Michel M, Hutzler M. 2018. DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/foy023.]</ref>. This variant is often viewed as a contaminant because of its ability to over-attenuate. A survey of contamination reports in the last ten years at European breweries (50% of which were German breweries, which are obligated by law to report such contaminations) found an increase in reports from 2015, 2016, and 2017. 71% of the contamination incidents originated from the packaging systems (bottling/canning lines). These contaminations were tracked down to the filler environment and/or biofilms in the pipework system of the filler which stemmed from hygienic problems. As such, sometimes contaminations can be sporadic with some bottles being contaminated while others are not. The other 29% of the contaminations were tracked down to primary contaminations in the brewhouse, fermentation cellar, and storage cellar <ref name="Meier-Dörnberg">[https://www.mbaa.com/publications/tq/tqPastIssues/2017/Pages/TQ-54-4-1130-01.aspx Incidence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus in the Beverage Industry: Cases of Contamination, 2008–2017. Tim Meier-Dörnberg, Fritz Jacob, Maximilian Michel, and Mathias Hutzler. 2017. MBAA Technical Quarterly; http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/TQ-54-4-1130-01.]</ref>.
''STA1+'' strains of S. cerevisiae can produce extracellular glucoamylase (also called [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha-glucosidase alpha-glucosidase], which is the same enzyme that ''[[Brettanomyces]]'' produces to break down starches and dextrins). This enzyme is released outside of the cell and can break down the α-1,4 linkages of starches and dextrins releasing glucose that is then fermented by the yeast. The capability to produce this enzyme is encoded by the ''STA1'' gene, which is a fusion of two other genes that are present separately in all ''S. cerevisiae'' yeasts, ''FLO11'' and ''SGA1'' (the ''STA2'' and ''STA3'' genes are the same as ''STA1''; they were initially found on different chromosomes and so they received different names, but they are all the same gene <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2697088176986046/?comment_id=2697419373619593&reply_comment_id=2698451940183003&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Kristoffer Krogerus. Milk The Funk Facebook thread post on the significance of STA2 and STA3 genes in diastaticus diastatic strains. 06/01/2019.]</ref>). Not all strains containing one of these genes produce the glucoamylase enzyme or are as effective as others at metabolizing dextrins <ref>[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF00365634 STA10: A gene involved in the control of starch utilization by Saccharomyces. Julio Polaina, Melanie Y. Wiggs. 1983.]]</ref><ref>[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/yea.1102/full Structural analysis of glucoamylase encoded by the ''STA1'' gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (var. diastaticus). Ana Cristina Adam, Lorena Latorre-Garcia, Julio Polaina. 2004.]</ref>. It has been reported by some microbiologists that most brewing strains that contain the ''STA1'' gene do produce the glucoamylase enzyme <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1935201836508021/?comment_id=1936604203034451&reply_comment_id=1937166892978182&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R7%22%7D Richard Preiss. Milk the Funk thread about ''STA1'' gene correlation to glucoamylase production. 12/31/2017.]</ref><ref name="mbaa_diastaticus">[http://masterbrewerspodcast.com/068-diastaticus-part-1 Matthew Peetz of Inland Island and Tobias Fischborn of Lallemand. "Master Brewers Association Podcast" 12/25/2017.]</ref>(~16 mins). A study that surveyed 18 strains of ''S. cerevisiae'' that contain the ''STA1'' gene found that only one was not able to ferment dextrins <ref name="Meier-Dörnberg_2018" />. Richard Preiss has also reported that WLP351 has the ''STA1'' gene, but is not able to ferment dextrins <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1888017211226484/?comment_id=2013050695389801&reply_comment_id=2013355312026006&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D Richard Preiss. Milk The Funk Facebook group thread on diastatic strains that do not ferment dextrins. March 2018.]</ref>. Krogerus et al. (2019) discovered that a region of 1162 base pairs just upstream of the ''STA1'' gene called "a promoter gene" is missing in strains that test positive for the ''STA1'' gene but do not test positive for fermenting starches, dextrins, or secreting the enzyme. They were able to demonstrate that this promoter gene region is needed for the ''STA1'' gene to become expressed. They also discovered that ''STA1'' gene is found in the Beer 2 group of yeast (see [[Saccharomyces#History_of_Domestication|History of Domestication]] above), and wild ''S. cerevisiae'' strains do not carry the ''STA1'' gene. Coincidentally, Beer 2 yeast strains lack the genes that the Beer 1 yeast strains do for fermenting maltotriose, yet Beer 2 yeasts ferment maltotriose just fine; it was discovered by Krogerus et al. (2019) that the ''STA1'' gene allows the Beer 2 yeasts to ferment maltotriose (although this exact mechanism is not known yet). It was proposed that the ''STA1'' gene evolved in the Beer 2 yeast strains as a means to take advantage of grain fermentation as an evolutionary advantage, and the existence of strains that are missing the promoter gene could be because humans later started selecting for strains that didn't dry the beer out too much <ref name="krogarus_2019">[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00253-019-10021-y A deletion in the ''STA1'' promoter determines maltotriose and starch utilization in ''STA1+'' Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Kristoffer Krogerus, Frederico Magalhães, Joosu Kuivanen, Brian Gibson. 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/654681.]</ref>. For more details on the Krogerus et al. (2019) study, see [http://beer.suregork.com/?p=4068 this Suregork Loves Beer blog post] and [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2697088176986046/ this MTF thread posted by Kristoffer Krogerus].
When beer containing this yeast is packaged too early, it will continue to slowly ferment dextrins and cause over-carbonation. When pitching a proper cell count or pitching rate of a diastatic yeast strain into the wort, some strains will fully ferment as quickly or nearly as quickly as any other brewers yeast, while other strains may take as long as 16 days to fully ferment a simple 12.4°P (1.050 SG) wort. A highly dextrinous wort may take longer to fully ferment. The problem of slow fermentation in already packaged beer is usually only a concern when diastatic ''cerevisiae'' is introduced as a very small cell count, for example as an accidental contamination <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1982499288444942/?comment_id=1983013578393513&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R1%22%7D Caroline Whalen Taggart. Milk The Facebook post on how quickly diastatic ferments. 02/09/2018.]</ref>. The enzyme produced by these strains is heat stable and can continue to work on starches and dextrins even after the yeast is killed by heat pasteurization <ref>[https://www.mbaa.com/publications/tq/tqPastIssues/1983/Abstracts/tq83ab19.htm Factors That Control the Utilization Of Wort Carbohydrates by Yeast. G. G. Stewart, I. Russell, and A. M. Sills. MBAA Technical Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1983.] </ref>. Almost all diastatic strains of ''S. cerevisiae'' are able to ulilize all of the sugars found in wort (e.g. glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, maltotriose), although one strain tested in a recent study could not efficiently ferment starch, maltose, (80%) or maltotriose (45%) <ref name="Meier-Dörnberg_2018" />. ''STA1+'' strains of ''S. cerevisiae'' can grow at 37°C and can also remain viable at refrigeration temperatures <ref>[http://www.ebc2017.com/inhalt/uploads/P095_Begrow.pdf Wade Begrow. "Recent notable microbiological contaminations of craft beer in the United States". Presentation poster at EBC 2017. Retrieved 11/19/2017.]</ref>. Some strains of diastatic ''cerevisiae'' are as flocculant as typical ale strains, while others are less flocculant <ref name="Meier-Dörnberg_2018" />. One strain of diastatic ''cerevisiae'', the Belle Saison strain from Lallemand, is killer neutral, which means that killer wine strains will not kill it (it is not verified if Belle Saison is the same as WY3711, although it is suspected to be). Other strains of diastatic ''cerevisiae'' may or may not be killer neutral (more data is needed; see [[Saccharomyces#Killer_Wine_Yeast|killer wine strains]] for more information on this topic).
Cheaper methods of doing PCR are recently becoming available, and could help breweries with smaller budgets sufficiently detect this as a contaminant (see [[Laboratory_Techniques#PCR.2FqPCR|PCR Lab Techniques]]). A recent study used agar plates with 15 g/L<sup>-1</sup> of starch as the only nutrient with 40 mg/L<sup>-1</sup> bromophenol blue in anaerobic conditions to detect the fermentation of starch (a pH drop from 5.2 to 4.6-3.0 will change the color of the agar plate to blue/violet). For some of the slower growing strains, 14 days were required to verify that they were ''STA1+'' while other strains grew as quickly as two days and most strains grew after five days. The yeast cells had to be thoroughly washed of all other carbohydrate material and starved in order to avoid false positives. Using dextrin agar plates instead of starch also led to false positives <ref name="Meier-Dörnberg_2018" />. This starch media has been recommended by Richard Preiss from [[Escarpment Laboratories]] and Justin Amaral from [[Mainiacal Yeast]] <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2149139905114212/?comment_id=2150763631618506&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Richard Preiss and Justin Amaral. Milk The Funk Facebook thread on plate media for diastatic ''cerevisiae''. 06/26/2018.]</ref>. Note that diastatic ''S. cerevisiae'' cells look the same under a microscope as regular ''S. cerevisiae'', so cell morphology is not an effective way to identify ''STA1+'' strains <ref name="Begrow_MBAA">[https://www.mbaa.com/education/webinars/Pages/webcast.aspx?vid=diastaticus Wade Begrow. "S. cerevisiae var. diasttaicus". MBAA webinar. July 2018.]</ref> (~8 minutes in). Other methods of detection include using a Durham tube/fermentation tube test to see if the beer produces CO<sup>2</sup> after fermentation, although this method does not identify the cause of the additional fermentation <ref name="Begrow_MBAA" /> (~18 mins in). More recently, Krogerus et al. (2019) developed more precise PCR primers to detect ''STA1'' active, ''STA1'' non-active, and non-''STA1'' based on their discovered role of an ''STA1'' promoter called ''1162 bp'' that is required for the ''STA1'' gene to be effective at producing the glucoamylase enzyme, however, PCR and qPCR have limited detection rates of 10<sup>-4</sup> and 10<sup>-5</sup> cells (see [http://beer.suregork.com/?p=4068 this Suregork Loves Beer blog post] and [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2697088176986046/ this MTF thread posted by Kristoffer Krogerus]).
Detection of ''STA1+'' strains of ''S. cerevisiae'' as a contaminant can be difficult. While using PCR to detect the ''STA1'' gene and the promoter gene, the presence of the promoter gene alone does not completely explain the wide variance of diastatic power between strains. Additionally, PCR genotyping is sucseptable to user error or DNA detection from dead cells. Detection of the presence of starch degrading enzymes can come from other contaminants such as ''Brettanomyces'' <ref name="Omega_diastaticus_2020" />. Some agar media products and even starch/dextrin materials have been suspected to contain small amounts of glucose or other simple sugar contaminants that can support the growth of non-diastatic yeasts <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3308119659216225/ Lance Shaner and Joshua Mayers. Milk The Funk Facebook thread on Omega Yeast's STA1+ detection methods. 03/04/2020.]</ref>. [[Omega Yeast Labs]] reported that a slight alteration to the classic LCYM media recipe had significantly more reliable detection than classic LCYM and the proprietary Weber diastaticus diastatic agar for all ''STA1+'' strains in Omega's collection, including detecting slow growing strains within 2-3 days and strains with the non-active promoter genes as per Krogerus et al (2019) and limited false positives. See [[Laboratory_Techniques#Saccharomyces|''Saccharomyces'' agar plates]] for the recipe and [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2874530432575152/ this MTF thread] by Laura Burns from Omega Yeast Labs, as well as their [https://omegayeast.com/news/improved-functional-assays-and-risk-assessment-for-sta-strains-of-saccharomyces-cerevisiae associated comprehensive write up on recommended detection methods (pending peer review and potential publication)]. A summary of the Omega Yeast Lab detection methodology findings by Lance Shaner is available [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3308119659216225/ here on MTF].
=====Commercial Strains=====
[https://www.whitelabs.com/yeast-bank/wlp644-saccharomyces-bruxellensis-trois WLP644],
[https://www.whitelabs.com/yeast-bank/wlp740-merlot-red-wine-yeast WLP740], and
[https://www.whitelabs.com/yeast-bank/wlp885-zurich-lager-yeast WLP885] are potentially diastatic (thanks to [https://gist.github.com/thcipriani/c303e39d6e8044307fa292cac6de6bd6 "thcipriani's" python script]), however, they do not designate if these strains actually ferment dextrins. Some hints as to which other White Labs products might also be diastatic have been deduced from the [[Saccharomyces#History_of_Domestication|Gallone et al. study]] which published DNA sequencing on most of the yeast strains in the White Labs bank. However, the codes used in the Gallone paper for each strain of yeast were not defined as far as which White Labs products they correspond to. Some of the codes have been speculated on which White Labs strains they might refer to (see [[Saccharomyces#History_of_Domestication|History of Domestication]] above). The strains from the Gallone paper that appear to contain ''STA1'' are Beer002, Wine019, Beer092 and Beer059. The Beer059 code might correspond to WLP026 according to this speculative [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1400297539998456/?comment_id=1908170505877821&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D table], which has had reports of high attenuation and has been independently confirmed to be ''STA1+'' by Kristoffer Krogerus (it is also only one of two known examples of a diastaticus diastatic strain that are not also POF+; the other diastatic strain that is POF- is WLP644) <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2095461573815379/?comment_id=2096044890423714&reply_comment_id=2105481916146678&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Kristoffer Krogerus. Milk The Funk Facebook thread on WLP026. 05/25/2018.]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1400297539998456/?comment_id=1909596632401875&reply_comment_id=1910328215662050&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D MTF thread on ''STA1'' gene and White Labs strains that might have it or not. Milk The Funk Facebook group. 12/07/2017.]</ref>. There has been a report by Richard Preiss of [[Escarpment Laboratories]] that WLP570 (confirmed by White Labs) and [https://www.whitelabs.com/yeast-bank/wlp585-belgian-saison-iii-ale-yeast WLP585] both have the ''STA1'' gene, but it takes weeks before they hyper-attenuate <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1888017211226484/?comment_id=1911782002183338&reply_comment_id=1982274298467441&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D Richard Preiss. Milk The Funk Facebook group post on WLP570 and WLP585 being diastatic. 02/08/2018.]</ref>. Other yeast labs such as [http://www.lallemand.com/ Lallemand], [https://inlandislandyeast.com/yeast-library/inis-491-saison-french/ Inland Island], [https://www.escarpmentlabs.com/strains Escarpment Labs], and [https://www.theyeastbay.com The Yeast Bay] also list which strains they offer are diastatic.
See also:
| Grand Cru (OYL-023) || || 72-76 || Low || 63-76 || Widely used strain in the production of Witbier, Grand Cru, sweet mead and cider. Produces spicy phenolics which are balanced nicely by a complex ester profile. The subtle fruit character and dry tart finish will complement wheat malt, orange peel and spice additions typical of Wits. Compares to WLP720 and WY3463. Commercial pitches only.
| Saisonstein's Monster (OYL-500) || || 80-90 || Low || 65-78 || The first in our line of hybrid strains. This strain is a genetic hybrid resulting from the mating of strains OYL-026 and OYL-027, created by and available exclusively from Omega Yeast. Less phenolic and more fruit character than 026. Exhibits some of the bubble gum character of 027. Omega Yeast Labs Exclusive. This might be a hybrid of ''S. boulardii'' and a diastatic strain of ''S. cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'' <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1378499435511600/?comment_id=1824967080864831&reply_comment_id=1825262140835325&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D Lance Shaner. Milk The Funk Facebook group on OYL-500. 09/18/2017.]</ref>. '''Available to homebrewers'''.
| Wit (OYL-030) || || 72-76 || Medium || 62-75 || Produces a complex flavor profile dominated by spicy phenolics with low to moderate ester production. It is a great strain choice when you want a delicate clove profile not to be overshadowed by esters. It will ferment fairly dry with a slightly tart finish that compliments the use of oats, malted and unmalted wheat. This strain is a true top cropping yeast requiring full fermenter headspace of 33%. Compares to WLP400 and WY3944 vs Omega Yeast Labs Exclusive. Commercial pitches only.
| WLP575 - Belgian Style Ale Yeast Blend || WLP500, WLP530, WLP550 <ref name="mrmalty_sources"></ref> || 74-80 || Med || 68-75 || A blend of Trappist type yeast (2) and one Belgian ale type yeast. This creates a versatile blend that can be used for Trappist type beer, or a myriad of beers that can be described as 'Belgian type'.
| WLP585 Belgian Saison III || || 70-74 || Med ||68-75 || Produces beer with a high fruit ester characteristic, as well as some slight tartness. Finishes slightly malty, which balances out the esters. Low levels of clove phenolics. Great yeast choice for a summer Saison that is light and easy-drinking. Seasonal Availability: Jul - Aug. Reported by Richard Preiss of [[Escarpment Laboratories]] that WLP585 has the STA1 gene that codes for a [[Saccharomyces#Diastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'']], but reported that it takes weeks before it hyper-attenuates <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1888017211226484/?comment_id=1911782002183338&reply_comment_id=1982274298467441&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R9%22%7D Richard Preiss. Milk The Funk Facebook group post on WLP570 and WLP585 being diastaticusdiastatic. 02/08/2018.]</ref>
| WLP590 French Saison Ale || || 73-80 || Med || 69-75 || Unique yeast strain producing farmhouse-style beers with a phenolic “bite” and moderate ester compounds. Producing a cleaner aroma profile than other farmhouse styles, this yeast is versatile and highly attenuating. Seasonal Availability: May - Jun. Determined to be a [[Saccharomyces#Diastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'']] <ref name="preiss_diastaticus" /><ref>[https://www.whitelabs.com/yeast-bank/wlp590-french-saison-ale-yeast White Labs website. "WLP590 French Saison Ale Yeast". Retrieved 02/28/2018.]</ref>.
| 3538 - PC Leuven Pale Ale || || 75-78 || High || 65-80 || This vigorous top fermenting Belgian style strain produces a distinct spicy character along with mild esters. Phenolics developed during fermentation may dissipate with conditioning. 3538 is an excellent choice for a wide variety of Belgian beer styles. Private Collection for Spring 2015 (available April-June 2015).
| 3711 - French Saison || || 77-83 || Low || 65-77 || Peppery, spicy and citrusy. This strain enhances the use of spices and aroma hops, and is extremely attenuative but leaves an unexpected silky and rich mouthfeel. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1329095693785308/ See this MTF thread for fermentation tips.] Determined to be a [[Saccharomyces#Diastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'']] <ref name="preiss_diastaticus">[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1888017211226484/?comment_id=1888076864553852&reply_comment_id=1888366977858174&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R2%22%7D Richard Preiss. Milk The Funk thread on diastaticusdiastatic S. cerevisiae. 11/18/2017.]</ref><ref name="wyeast_diastaticus">[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2095461573815379/ Email from Jeannette Kreft-Logsdon. Milk The Funk Facebook post about Wyeast's diastaticus diastatic strains. 05/16/2018.] </ref>. This strain has been rumored to originate from the Brasserie Thiriez brewery <ref>[http://www.mrmalty.com/yeast.htm Kristen England. "Yeast Strain Sources". Mr. Malty website. Retrieved 05/29/2018.]</ref>, however, Daniel Thiriez claims that his brewery's strain of yeast is not the same as WY3711 <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2109576319070571/?comment_id=2109874085707461&reply_comment_id=2109881735706696&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D Dave Janssen. Milk The Funk facebook group thread on WY3711 origins. 05/28/2018.]</ref>.
| 3724 - Belgian Saison™ || Dupont || 76-80 || Low || 70-95 || It is very tart and dry on the palate with a mild fruitiness. Expect a crisp, mildly acidic finish that will benefit from elevated fermentation temperatures. Notorious for a rapid start, only to stick. Fermentation will finish, at least 90°F. The same or very similar to the "Dupont" strain.
| [https://fermentis.com/en/fermentation-solutions/you-create-beer/safale-wb-06/ SafeAle™ WB-06] || Fermentis || || 86 || Low || 18-24°C (64-75 °F) || This typical yeast strain is recommended for wheat beer fermentations and produces subtle estery and phenol flavor notes (POF+) such as clove notes typical of wheat beers. Confirmed by the company to be a [[Saccharomyces#Diastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'']] <ref>[https://fermentis.com/en/fermentation-solutions/you-create-beer/safale-wb-06/ Fermentis SafeAle™ WB-06 webpage. Retrieved 02/10/2018.]</ref>
| [http://www.lallemandbrewing.com/product-details/belle-saison-beer-yeast/ Lallemand Belle Saison - DRY] || Lallemand || || High || || 59-95 <ref name="Coppet" /> || Belle Saison is also a prodigious sulfur producer, so extended conditioning may be necessary. Verified to be a diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. Diastaticus'', and killer neutral <ref name="Coppet">Marie, Coppet from Lallemand. Private correspondence with Martin Etchart; forwarded to Dan Pixley</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1561762887185253/?comment_id=1561820080512867&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R3%22%7D Conversation on MTF with Pierre Hugo Houle regarding Danstar Belle Saison yeast. 01/25/2017.]</ref><ref>[http://www.lallemandbrewing.com/product-details/belle-saison-beer-yeast/ Lallemand Brewing website. "BELLE SAISON BELGIAN SAISON-STYLE YEAST". Retrieved 11/20/2017.]</ref>. Belle Saison yeast is killer neutral, which means that killer wine strains will not kill it <ref name="Coppet" />. See [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1561762887185253/ this MTF thread] for more information on this strain. This might be the same strain as WY3711 <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1890135267681345/?comment_id=1890160854345453&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R1%22%7D MTF Thread on Belle Saison. 11/20/2017.]</ref>. Formerly branded as "Danstar".
| [http://www.lallemandbrewing.com/product-details/abbaye-belgian-ale-yeast/ Lallemand Abbaye Belgian Ale Yeast - DRY] || Lallemand || || Med-High || Low || 63-80 || Abbaye is an ale yeast of Belgian origin selected for its ability to produce great Belgian style beers including high gravity beers such as Dubbel, Trippel and Quads. The propagation and drying processes have been specifically designed to deliver high quality beer yeast that can be used simply and reliably to help produce ales of the finest quality. Formerly branded as "Danstar".