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2,305 bytes added, 18:10, 30 January 2017
first pass at adding new Acids, Esters and Other Compounds. More updates to come to these entries.
| Ethyl caproate (sweet, fruity, pineapple, banana, apple or aniseed) || Caproic acid and ethanol <ref>[ Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. Batt, Carl A. Academic Press. Sep 28, 1999. Pg 320.]</ref> || 0.2ppm (flavor) <ref>[ Aroxa. ethyl hexanoate. Retrieved 1/18/2015.]</ref> || C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>16</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref>[ PubChem. Ethyl Caproate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || Also known as Ethyl hexanoate, Ethyl butyl acetate, and butylacetate <ref>[ Chemspider. Ethylhexanoat. Retrieved 1/18/2015.]</ref>. Can also be produced by ''Saccharomyces'' species <ref name="Hubbe"></ref>.
| Ethyl caprylate (Sweet, waxy, fruity and pineapple with creamy, fatty, mushroom and cognac notes <ref>[ Ethyl Octanoate. The Good Scents Company. Retrieved 5/28/2015.]</ref>) || Caprylic acid (contained in buckwheat; produced by yeast autolysis) and ethanol <ref>[ Chop & Brew - Episode 37: Influence of Mashing on Sour Beer Production by Michael Tonsmeire. NHC 2014 Presentation. At 26 minutes. Retrieved 5/28/2015.]</ref> || 15ppb (flavor) <ref>[ Esters Detection Tresholds & Molecular Structures. Leffingwell & Associates. Retrieved 5/28/2015.] </ref> || C<sub>10</sub>H<sub>20</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref name="pubchem_ethylcaprylate">[ PubChem. Ethyl Caprylate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || Also known as ethyl octanoate <ref name="pubchem_ethylcaprylate"></ref>. Also known as ethyl octanoate <ref>[ "Ethyl caprilate". PubChem website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.]</ref>.
| Ethyl Decanoate/Ethyl Caprate (brandy, fruity, oily, grape) || Decanoic acid (Capric Acid) and ethanol <ref name="wikipedia_ethyldecanoate">[ Wikipedia. Ethyl Decanoate. Retrieved 1/18/2015.]</ref> || 0.5ppm (flavor in water) <ref>[ Flavours and Fragrances: Chemistry, Bioprocessing and Sustainability. Ralf Günter Berger. Springer Science & Business Media, Mar 6, 2007. Pg 222.]</ref> || C<sub>12</sub>H<sub>24</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref name="wikipedia_ethyldecanoate"></ref> || Also known as Ethyl caprate, Ethyl caprinate, and Capric acid ethyl ester <ref>[ Spedding, Gary. Flavor notes for Michigan Craft Guild Conference. 2014.]</ref>. Can also be produced by ''Saccharomyces'' species <ref name="Hubbe"></ref>
| Ethyl hexanoate <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || || || ||
| Ethyl isobutyrate <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || || || ||
| Ethyl isovalerate (fruity, sweet, berry-like with a ripe, pulpy fruit nuance <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate">[ Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Fifth Edition. George A. Burdock. CRC Press, Dec 3, 2004. Pg 587.]</ref>) <ref name="Joseph"></ref><ref name="lucy_joseph"></ref> || [[Isovaleric Acid]] and ethanol || 30ppm (flavor) <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate"></ref> || C<sub>7</sub>H<sub>14</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (same as ethyl valerate) <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate"></ref> || Also found in pineapple, orange juice and peel oil, bilberry, blueberry, strawberry, Swiss cheese, other cheeses, cognac, rum, whiskey, sherry, grape wines, cocoa, passion fruit, mango, and mussels <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate"></ref>. Also known as Ethyl 3-methylbutanoate <ref name="Joseph"></ref>.
| Acetic Acid (Vinegar, hard boiled egg) || Oxygen || Increased production with higher levels of oxygen exposure <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>.
| [[Isovaleric Acid]] Butyric acid <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || || || |-| Capric acid (Feety, parmesianBarnyard animal odor/taste) <refname="yakobson1">[https:<//,%20J.J.pdf?sequence=1 Botha, Janita Jref>|| || Fatty acid. Sensory, chemical and consumer analysis of Brettanomyces spoilage Also found in South African wines. March 2010. Pg 2milk, 13coconut oil, 17, 18]</ref>and seed oils <ref>[https Oelofse, Adriaan. Investigating the role of Brettanomyces and Dekkera during winemakingDecanoic_acid "Decanoic acid". December 2008Wikipedia.]</ref>|| Leucine || Commonly described as a "spoilage" acid produced by Brettanomyces in wine, but also appears in beer.
| Caproic acid (Fatty, cheesy, waxy, barnyardy) <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid.
| Caprylic acid (Rancid-like smell and taste <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid. Also found in milk. Gives a waxy/oily mouthfeel. Flavor is more intense at low pH levels. Also called octanoic acid.<ref>[ FlavorActV. Caprylic Acid. Retrieved 2/10/2015.]</ref>
| Decanoic acid <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || ||
| Enanthic acid (Rancid odor) <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid.
| Caprylic Hexanoic acid (Rancid-like smell and taste <ref name="yakobson1Lucy_2015"></ref>|| || Fatty acid|-| [[Isovaleric Acid]] (Feety, parmesian) <ref>[ Also found in milkza/bitstream/handle/10019. Gives a waxy1/4141/oily mouthfeelBotha,%20J.J.pdf?sequence=1 Botha, Janita J. Flavor is more intense at low pH levelsSensory, chemical and consumer analysis of Brettanomyces spoilage in South African wines. Also called octanoic acidMarch 2010. Pg 2, 13, 17, 18]</ref><ref>[http FlavorActVoelofse_investigating_2008.pdf?sequence=1 Oelofse, Adriaan. Caprylic AcidInvestigating the role of Brettanomyces and Dekkera during winemaking. Retrieved 2December 2008.]</10ref>|| Leucine || Commonly described as a "spoilage" acid produced by Brettanomyces in wine, but also appears in beer.|-| Lauric acid (faint odor of bay oil or soap) <ref name="yakobson1"></2015ref>|| || Fatty acid.]|-| Octanoic acid <ref name="Lucy_2015" /ref>|| ||
| Pelargonic acid (Rancid odor) <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid.
| Capric acid (Barnyard animal odor/taste) <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid. Also found in milk, coconut oil, and seed oils <ref>[ "Decanoic acid". Wikipedia.]</ref>.
| Undecylic acid <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid.
| Lauric acid (faint odor of bay oil or soap) <ref name="yakobson1"></ref>|| || Fatty acid.
! Compound Produced !! Precursors !! Threshold !! Notes
| Decanol <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || || || Classified as a fatty alcohol. Also known as decyl alcohol <ref>[ "1-decanol". PubChem Website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.]</ref>.
| Isoamyl alcohol <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || 3 Methylbutanal || || One of several isomers of Amyl alcohol; also known as 3-methyl-1-butanol. It is a major higher chain alcohol produced in fermentation <ref>[ "3-Methyl-1-butanol". PubChem Website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.]</ref>.
| Nerilidol <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || || || Classified as a terpene, and is often found in bitter gourd and is a component of many essential oils. It is often used as a flavoring agent <ref>[ "Nerolidol". PubChem Website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.]</ref>.
| Octanol <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || || || Also known as Octyl alcohol, it is a colorless, slightly viscous liquid used as a defoaming or wetting agent, and is found naturally as a part of esters in some essential oils <ref>[ "1-octanol". PubChem Website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.]</ref>.
| Phenethyl alcohol <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> (floral, dried rose <ref>[ "Phenethyl alcohol". The Good Scents Company Website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.] </ref>) || || || Also known as phenethanol <ref name="Lucy_2015" />.
| Phenylacetaldehyde <ref name="Lucy_2015" /> (honey, floral rose, swaat, powdery, chocolate with a slight earthy nuance <ref>[ "Phenyl acetaldehyde". The Good Scents Company Website. Retrieved 01/30/2017.]</ref>)|| || || Classified as an aldehyde.
| Tetrahydropyridine (Cheerios®, mousy, urine, cracker biscuit, corn chips) || L-Lysine, ethanol, and oxygen || Varies || See the ''[[Tetrahydropyridine]]'' page for more details. Classified as a ketone <ref>[ Humbard, Matt. Milk The Funk Discussion. 3/10/2015.]</ref>.

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