,added section for Master Brewers Association podcast
| [http://heritageradionetwork.org/podcast/the-culture-of-bierkulture/ Interview with German brewer Sebastian Sauer of Freigeist Bierkultur] || 2016-10 || Historical German styles, and modern day German craftbeer culture.
==Master Brewers Podcast==
Short format podcast from the [http://www.mbaa.com/Pages/default.aspx Master Brewers Association.]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Title !! Date (year-month) !! Notes
| [http://masterbrewerspodcast.com/009-wild-yeast-bacteria-intentionally-in-the-brewery Wild Yeast & Bacteria (intentionally) in the Brewery.] || 2016-10 || Nick Mader surveyed 16 breweries, including Firestone, Allagash, Boulevard, Stone, and Russian River to determine the keys to success when producing wild beers and conventional beers in the same brewery.
| [http://masterbrewerspodcast.com/014-the-chemical-fingerprint-of-beer-from-a-single-experiment-with-minimum-sample-preparation The Chemical Fingerprint of Beer from a Single Experiment with Minimum Sample Preparation.] || 2016-12 || John Edwards discusses a rapid quantitive molecular analysis by 1H NMR spectroscopy, with an emphasis on sour beer aged in barrels.