added link back to PH Meter
If a pure culture of ''Lactobacillus'' bacteria is used it is ideal but not necessary to fill the head space of the fermenter with CO2 gas (some brewers have reported that this will help reduce sulfur in the finished beer). Keeping positive pressure in the kettle with CO2 will help prevent contaminates that create [[Butyric Acid|butyric acid]] and other off-flavors from entering the kettle due to negative pressure, and is often the approach that commercial brewers take <ref>Personal correspondence with Steph Cope of CraftHaus Brewing Co. 02/06/2016.</ref>. The kettle should be held at the desired temperature for 24-72 hours (in some cases longer, but no longer than 5 days). Depending on the strain of ''Lactobacillus'', and the desired sour level, the time of incubation is ultimately a variable that is up to the brewer (see the ''[[Lactobacillus]]'' page for suggested temperatures and times for specific strains). The kettle lid should be firmly in place and optionally sealed with plastic wrap so that other microorganisms do not get in. Potential for formation of [[Butyric Acid]] and [[Isovaleric Acid]] when using only a pure culture is extremely slight to none assuming no other microbes are allowed inside the kettle.
Once the level of acidity is reached (this can be tested with a reliable [[PH_Meter|pH meter]], or in the case of using a pure culture can safely be taste tested), the wort is brought to a boil. The wort may be boiled normally in the case of any style of beer that requires a longer boiling process, or it it may be boiled for no more than a minute or two in the case of making a [[Berliner Weissbier]]. Technically speaking, the wort doesn't need to be boiled at all (this is called [http://www.garshol.priv.no/blog/331.html Raw Ale]). Heat pasteurization at 170°F (76.6°C) for 15 minutes should kill the ''Lactobacillus'' culture being used to sour the wort <ref name="pasteurization" />.
Deciding whether or not to boil the wort can also depend on whether or not there was a considerable amount of alcohol produced, which commonly happens when the wort is contaminated with yeast. Pure cultures of ''Lactobacillus'' do not show typical signs of fermentation that we are used to seeing with yeast fermentations, such as forming a krausen, producing a lot of CO2, or fermenting wort more than ~1.005 gravity points (see [[100% Lactobacillus Fermentation]]). If a yeast contamination produces a significant amount of alcohol during the souring process, then this presents a problem when it comes to boiling. Although 100% pure ethanol boils at 173.1°F/78.4°C <ref name="boiling_of_alcohol">[http://chemistry.about.com/od/moleculecompoundfacts/f/What-Is-The-Boiling-Point-Of-Alcohol.htm Boiling temperature of ethanol]</ref>, the lower the concentration of ethanol in the wort (technically beer at this point), the higher the temperature required for boiling off the ethanol. For example, at 5% ABV it takes approximately 197°F/92°C for the ethanol to boil <ref>[http://www.clawhammersupply.com/blogs/moonshine-still-blog/12243869-making-moonshine-still-temperature Making Moonshine: Still Temperature. Retrieved 01/11/2016.]</ref><ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1212116758816536/?comment_id=1212140998814112&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Conversation with Russell Carpenter on MTF. 01/11/2016.]</ref>. Time is also required to boil off the ethanol, so this may not be as big of a concern as it first appears. Another and perhaps more important consideration is that, unlike unfermented wort, boiling and high heat pasteurization temperatures can have a negative effect on the flavor of fermented beer. Beer already has anti-bacterial properties, such as low pH, presence of alcohol, and hops (although hops may not be present in wort being soured), so higher pasteurization temperatures aren't necessarily required for beer. For these reasons, the beer industry commonly heat pasteurizes beer at 140°F/60°C for 15 minutes, and this is also adequate for pasteurizing soured beer <ref>[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0023643806002854#bib16 A suitable model of microbial survival curves for beer pasteurization. Sencer Buzrul. 2006.]</ref>. In the case of an accidental yeast contamination during the souring process, another option is to simply dump the batch and start again with a pure culture of ''Lactobacillus''.