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Trevor Rogers is a former assistant manager of Pelican Brewery <ref name="newschoolbeer">[http://www.newschoolbeer.com/2013/03/de-garde-brewing-opening-soon-with-a-wildbarrel-agedfarmhouse-focus.html De Garde Brewing Opening Soon With a Wild/Barrel-Aged/Farmhouse Focus. Retrieved 2/25/2018.]</ref> but boasts an original affection for [[Wine | wine]] - even working several wine industry jobs and at one point planning a career in wine <ref name="talkbeer">[https://www.talkbeer.com/community/threads/de-garde-brewing.5908/ Talk Beer- AMA De Garde Brewing. Retrieved 2/25/2018.]</ref> (page 2 post #22). He credits Brouwerij Rodenbach for opening his eyes to [[Mixed Fermentation|mixed fermentation beers]] <ref name="craftcommander">[http://www.craftcommander.com/10-questions/2015/7/9/trevor-rogers-de-garde-brewing Trevor Rogers of de Garde Brewing. Retrieved 1/28/2017.]</ref>, [[3_Fonteinen | 3 Fonteinen]], [[Cantillon]], and Tilquin as the catalysts to encourage his exploration of spontaneously fermented beer <ref name="talkbeer"></ref> (page 1 post #4) <ref name="bierversuche"></ref><ref name="craftcommander"></ref>, and Upright Brewery and Block 15 Brewing for introducing wild beers to consumers in Oregon <ref name="oregonbeer">[httphttps://web.archive.org/web/20160328182620/https://www.oregonbeergrowler.com/blog/de-garde-goes-wild-in-tillamook "de Garde Goes Wild in Tillamook". Gail Oberst. Beer Growler blog. 1/31/2014. Retrieved 2from Web Archive (03/28/2016 archive) on 08/2528/2018.]</ref>.
Before selecting a physical home for the brewery, Rogers wanted to qualify potential locations for spontaneous fermentation character. He exposed sterile wort to ambient microflora along more than 100 miles of the Oregon Coast (from Newport to Astoria) <ref name="craftbeertemple"></ref> (~5 min in) <ref name="wweek"></ref>, originally targeted for its consistent year-round temperature and climate <ref name="bierversuche"></ref>. Using a grist of pilsner and wheat, Rogers brewed 15-gallon trial batches on a MoreBeer! Tippy-Dump BrewSculpture. The wort was chilled and split into food grade buckets, standardized to 1-gallon volumes for consistency. The buckets were brought to prospective locations and left uncovered overnight, emulating the function of a [[Coolship | coolship]]. Once retrieved, the beer was allowed to ferment for approximately 12 months before undergoing sensory assessment to understand the unique representation of ambient microflora from that area <ref name="craftbeertemple"></ref> (~5 min in). Rogers noticed a distinct sensory difference in spontaneously fermented trial beers in as few as 10 miles apart <ref name="craftbeertemple"></ref> (~4 min in). This trial batch method allowed Rogers to refine his list of prospective locations and repeat batches to qualify consistency <ref name="bierversuche"></ref>. Ultimately, Tillamook was selected for its desirable microflora character and shorter [[Spontaneous_Fermentation#Microbial_Succession_During_Fermentation | fermentation timeline]] <ref name="beerandbrewing">[https://beerandbrewing.com/breakout-brewer-de-garde-brewing/ Breakout Brewer: de Garde Brewing. Retrieved 2/25/2018.]</ref>.