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There are arguments defending the use of the term "solera" in the brewing industry and in homebrewing to refer to single-vessel blending systems. These include:
* At least one [http://www.champagneguide.net/information/glossary wine reference] claims that the word "solera" has been used for less complex perpetual blending systems, although it isn't the true definition.
* Terms are borrowed and changed all the time, and that the nature of language is to evolve.
* The term has been used since at least 2002 by Jeff Renner in an article of Zymurgy Magazine and then later in 2006 by a homebrew club to describe a single-vessel blending system for homebrewers <ref>[https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/attachments/0000/6021/JFzym02-Solera.pdf Jeff Renner. "Solera Ale: Beer That Gets Older As You Drink it". Zymurgy Magazine. Jan/Feb 2002.]</ref><ref>[https://aabg.org/new-member-info/bourbon-barrel-barley-wine Ann Arbor Brewers Guild. Walloon Solera Ale in Sweden. 2006. Retrieved 03/06/2018.]</ref>.