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Nonconventional Yeasts and Bacteria

2,906 bytes added, 20 March
Pichia kluyveri
'''Under progress'''
* [ Jeremy Myers post on MTF.]
* [ Federico Tondini, the Scientific Coordinator for AEB, gives an overview of how to use this strain in beer and fermentation characteristics and answers any questions about this strain on MTF.]
=== [[Apex Cultures]] ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes
| Special Sour (Sour Ale) || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' || 30 || Medium || || Special Sour is a natural yeast strain that produces lactic acid while initiating alcoholic fermentation, in a novel, easy-to-reproduce process for any sour-like beer. Special Sour is an indigenous yeast, isolated from Burgundy premium grapes, which produces high concentration of lactic acid.
=== [[Cellar Science]] ===
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! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes
| ACID Dry Beer Yeast || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' || 75-80 || High || ACID yeast is designed to be sprinkled directly onto the surface of your wort with no oxygenation required in the initial fermentation. Our aerobic growth process makes this possible by creating dry yeast with high viability and high sterol levels. ACID yeast is pre-loaded with essential nutrients to ensure a successful, complete fermentation. While not required, some brewers prefer to rehydrate yeast. To hydrate yeast, first, sanitize the yeast brick and scissors. Use 10 grams of sterilized tap water between 85-95°F (29-35°C) mixed with 0.25 grams of FermStart per gram of yeast. Sprinkle yeast on the water. Allow the slurry to stand undisturbed for 20 minutes, then swirl. Use small amounts of wort to adjust to within 10°F (6°C) of wort temperature before pitching. Ferment between 66–77°F (19–25°C). ||
See also:
* [ "5 Tips for Fermenting with Philly Sour" by Lallemand Brewing on YouTube] and [ Dr. Matthew Farber's webinar].
* [ MTF The Podcast episode #012 with Dr. Bryan Heit on Philly Sour]. Also see [ his deep dive] blog article on the biology of this product and strategies for repitching it.
* [ Post 1] and [ Post 2] on ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' that can produce significant lactic acid without modification.
- Lachancea thermotolerans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in simultaneous and sequential co-fermentation: A strategy to enhance acidity and improve the overall quality of wine:
====''Lachancea fermentati''====
* [ Non Alcoholic Beer and Yeast with Janish and Carlsen – BeerSmith Podcast #276.]
====''Pichia kudriavzevii''====
''Torulaspora delbrueckii'' is species of yeast, that is round to ovoid in shape and has been traditionally used in some wine fermentations to increase the complexity. Most of the commercial ''Torulaspora'' species and strains were isolated from soil, fermenting grapes (wine), berries, agave juice, tea-beer, apple juice, leaf of mangrove a tree, moss, lemonade and tree barks. Although it was said that most ''T. delbrueckii'' strains would not fully attenuate or tolerate higher alcohol contents it has been shown that this property is strain-dependent.
===''Propionibacterium ''===
One study reported elevated levels of vitamin B12 produced in a two-stage fermentation first with ''Propionibacterium freudenreichii'' and then ''Saccharomyces'' yeast. The reported beers were reportedly not significantly different in the sensory profiles of the beers <ref>[ Iida Loivamaa, Maija Greis, Vertti Nikander, Minnamari Edelmann, Marjo Pöysä, Pekka Varmanen, Per E.J. Saris. Two-step fermentation to produce vitamin B12 containing beer using Propionibacterium freudenreichii and yeast. Food Bioscience, Volume 63, 2025, 105807, ISSN 2212-4292.]</ref>.

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