→Pichia kluyveri
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/337907047_Screening_for_the_Brewing_Ability_of_Different_Non-Saccharomyces_Yeasts
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ijfs.14399
- https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/1164468
- https://www.cell.com/heliyon/fulltext/S2405-8440(24)13629-8
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0023643824010867
'''Under progress'''
For mixed cultures that contain only the genera ''Brettanomyces'', ''Lactobacillus'', and/or ''Pediococcus'', see [[Mixed_Cultures#Culture_Charts|Mixed Cultures Chart]].
=== AEB ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
See also:
* [https://www.aeb-group.com/en/food-beverage/levulia-alcomeno-1 AEB product sheet.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2872732672754928/?comment_id=2875014469193415&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Federico Tondini, the Scientific Coordinator for AEB, gives an overview of how to use this strain in beer and fermentation characteristics and answers any questions about this strain on MTF.]
| } === [[East Coast YeastApex Cultures]] ==={|| ECY31 Senne Valley Blend || ''Debaryomyces'', ''Priceomyces'', ''Wickerhamomyces'', ''Pichia'', lactic acid bacteria, a wild ''Saccharomyces'', and ''B. bruxellensis'' || || || || Intended for primary fermentations due to the portfolio of wild oxidative yeasts. Emulating ales by employing similar microflora recently observed from a prominent Lambic producer, this new blend includes various unique yeasts (Debaryomyces, Priceomyces , Wickerhamomyces, and Pichia). Contributes to aroma through the production of volatile compounds and higher terpenol flavors. Rounding out the blend : Lactic bacteria, Wild-type Saccharomyces from the Senne Valley, and multiple strains of Brettanomyces bruxellensis. Recommended to be aged a minimum of 1 yr. Extremely wild with notes of smokey barnyard, musty funk, and ethyl acetate <ref>[http://www.eastcoastyeast.com/wild-stuff.html East Coast Yeast website. Wild Yeast / Brettanomyces / Lactic Bacteria. Retrieved 01/24/2018.]</ref>. class="wikitable sortable"
| [[Fermmento Labs]] Special Sour (Sour Ale) || FB6 Lambic & Sours || ''Pediococcus pentosaceus'', ''Lactobacillus pentosus'', ''Lactobacillus plantarum'', ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'', ''Candida colliculosa'', ''Kluyveromyces Lachancea thermotolerans'', ''Kloeckera africana'', ''Hanseniaspora uvarum'', ''Hanseniaspora apis'', Belgian ale yeast, and sherry Flor yeast. || 30 || Medium || || Ferments at 20Special Sour is a natural yeast strain that produces lactic acid while initiating alcoholic fermentation, in a novel, easy-to-28°C <ref name="fermmentos_catalog_2017">[https://fermmentolabs.com.br/wpreproduce process for any sour-content/uploads/2017/07/Cat%C3%A1logo_Fermmento_Labs_TWTFlike beer.pdf Fermmentos Labs Catalog. Retrieved 12/21/2017.]</ref>Special Sour is an indigenous yeast, isolated from Burgundy premium grapes, which produces high concentration of lactic acid.
| } === [[Fermmento LabsCellar Science]] ==={|| FB10 Fruteira || ''Brettanomyces anomalus'', ''Torulaspora delbruekii'', ''Lanchancea thermotolerans'', ''Kloeckera africana'', and ''Hanseniaspora uvarum'' || || || || Ferments at 28-30°C <ref nameclass="fermmentos_catalog_2017wikitable sortable" />.
| Lallemand Wine || Biodiva™ ACID Dry Beer Yeast || ''Torulaspora delbrueckiiLachancea thermotolerans'' || 75-80 || High || || Marketed as a wine ACID yeast is designed to be used sprinkled directly onto the surface of your wort with no oxygenation required in a sequential pitch the initial fermentation. Our aerobic growth process makes this possible by creating dry yeast with regular wine high viability and high sterol levels. ACID yeastis pre-loaded with essential nutrients to ensure a successful, complete fermentation. Said While not required, some brewers prefer to increase mouthfeel in winerehydrate yeast. Pitch this To hydrate yeast, first until 2° Brix have been fermented, then add wine sanitize the yeast brick and scissors. Use 10 grams of sterilized tap water between 85-95°F (29-35°C) mixed with 0.25 grams of FermStart per gram of yeast. See Sprinkle yeast on the [https://catalogappwater.lallemandwineAllow the slurry to stand undisturbed for 20 minutes, then swirl.com/uploads/yeasts/docs/d441f52d43e8c74d0071debbd7ff415c479e1fdfUse small amounts of wort to adjust to within 10°F (6°C) of wort temperature before pitching.pdf Lallemand data sheet] for more informationFerment between 66–77°F (19–25°C).||
| } ===[[East Coast Yeast]]==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| ECY31 Senne Valley Blend || ''Debaryomyces'', ''Priceomyces'', ''Wickerhamomyces'', ''Pichia'', lactic acid bacteria, a wild ''Saccharomyces'', and ''B. bruxellensis'' || || || || Intended for primary fermentations due to the portfolio of wild oxidative yeasts. Emulating ales by employing similar microflora recently observed from a prominent Lambic producer, this new blend includes various unique yeasts (Debaryomyces, Priceomyces , Wickerhamomyces, and Pichia). Contributes to aroma through the production of volatile compounds and higher terpenol flavors. Rounding out the blend : Lactic bacteria, Wild-type Saccharomyces from the Senne Valley, and multiple strains of Brettanomyces bruxellensis. Recommended to be aged a minimum of 1 yr. Extremely wild with notes of smokey barnyard, musty funk, and ethyl acetate <ref>[http://www.eastcoastyeast.com/wild-stuff.html East Coast Yeast website. Wild Yeast / Brettanomyces / Lactic Bacteria. Retrieved 01/24/2018.]</ref>. |-| ECY45 BugFarm 2 || Kveik ''Saccharomyces'', ''Brettanomyces'', ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' (Origin: grapes), and ''Lactobacillus'' || || || || Described by ECY as producing "citrusy" sour beers <ref>[http://www.eastcoastyeast.com/wild-stuff.html East Coast Yeast website. Wild Yeast / Brettanomyces / Lactic Bacteria. Retrieved 03/27/2021.]</ref>. |-|} ===[[Escarpment Laboratories]]==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| Lactic Magic || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' || || || || Added glucose (dextrose) is required for lactic acid production. To drop pH below 4.0, you must add 2.5-5% dextrose by volume (that's roughly equal to 2.5-5ºP or 0.012-0.020 gravity points, or 25-50kg in a 10hL batch). See [https://escarpmentlabs.com/products/lactic-magic?_pos=1&_sid=980974c5f&_ss=r the product page].|-|} ===[[Fermmento Labs]] (Brazil - CLOSED)==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| FB6 Lambic & Sours || ''Pediococcus pentosaceus'', ''Lactobacillus pentosus'', ''Lactobacillus plantarum'', ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'', ''Candida colliculosa'', ''Kluyveromyces thermotolerans'', ''Kloeckera africana'', ''Hanseniaspora uvarum'', ''Hanseniaspora apis'', Belgian ale yeast, and sherry Flor yeast. || || || || Ferments at 20-28°C <ref name="fermmentos_catalog_2017">[https://fermmentolabs.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Cat%C3%A1logo_Fermmento_Labs_TWTF.pdf Fermmentos Labs Catalog. Retrieved 12/21/2017.]</ref>.|-| FB10 Fruteira || ''Brettanomyces anomalus'', ''Torulaspora delbruekii'', ''Lanchancea thermotolerans'', ''Kloeckera africana'', and ''Hanseniaspora uvarum'' || || || || Ferments at 28-30°C <ref name="fermmentos_catalog_2017" />.|-|} ===Lallemand Brewing/Wine ==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| Sourvisiae® || ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' || || || || A bioengenered strain of ''S. cerevisiae'' that produces lactic acid and no off-flavors within 5 days of fermentation <ref>[https://www.lallemandbrewing.com/en/united-states/news/launch-of-lactic-acid-producing-yeast-sourvisiae/ "Launch of lactic-acid producing yeast – Sourvisiae®" lallemand Brewing blog. 09/12/2019. Retrieved 09/12/2019.]</ref>. See also this [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2907116972649831/ MTF thread].|-| Biodiva™ || ''Torulaspora delbrueckii'' || || || || Marketed as a wine yeast to be used in a sequential pitch with regular wine yeast. Said to increase mouthfeel in wine. Pitch this first until 2° Brix have been fermented, then add wine yeast. See the [https://catalogapp.lallemandwine.com/uploads/yeasts/docs/d441f52d43e8c74d0071debbd7ff415c479e1fdf.pdf Lallemand data sheet] for more information.|-| WildBrew™ Philly Sour || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' (see the "Fermentation/Other Notes" column for disputed species identification) || || || || ''Lachancea'' selected from nature by University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, PA, USA (Patent pending N° PCT/US20 18/043 148) <ref>[https://www.lallemandbrewing.com/en/united-states/product-details/wildbrew-philly-sour/ WildBrew™ PHILLY SOUR. Lallemand website. Retrieved 07/05/2020.]</ref>. See also [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5OTdRKnNvo this presentation by Dr. Farber] and [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3557228167638705/ this MTF thread] discussing the patent. See also these [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3865209566840562/ MTF threads] of note on using this product.
Independent research by Dr. Bryan Heit contradicts some of the manufacturer's information regarding re-pitching. Dr. Heit's data suggest that as long as Philly Sour is re-pitched quickly (the death rate was ~1%/day), it can be re-pitched up to at least 10 generations, and probably re-pitched indefinitely if the correct cell count is pitched. Cell counts should be performed in order to verify that the correct pitching rate of ~0.5-1 million/ml (use this same pitching rate for different gravities of wort) is maintained since pitching under or over this amount produces less pH drop. This culture works better when the wort is well oxygenated and highly fermentable. See this [http://suigenerisbrewing.com/index.php/2021/02/12/diving-deep-in-to-philly-sour blog article by Dr. Heit] and this [https://fb.watch/3Ftevh7G14/ episode of "MTF The Podcast Live"] for more information.
See this [http://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/18140333/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/000000/ The Brü Lab podcast episode] with Dr. Farber. Note that Farber's claim that this is a new species of ''Lachancea'' is disputed by genetic analysis by Dr. Bryan Heit in his blog article [http://suigenerisbrewing.com/index.php/2020/12/08/lachancea-patent-wars/ "The (Not So Great) Lachancea Patent"] and in this episode of [https://fb.watch/3Ftevh7G14/ episode of "MTF The Podcast Live"].
===[[Mainiacal Yeast]] (CLOSED)===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes
|| || This blend is best used with a Brett secondary. High creation of phenols along with higher hopping rates(aged hops are best) will give Brett more to feed on and allow it to be more expressive. Choosing the Brett strain will also vastly change what the outcome is.
|| || A very unique strain. This is part of our Lactic Acid Yeast strains. These LAY type strains were pioneered by Wild Pitch Yeast. They are very unique in the fact that as they ferment they also produce lactic acid. So essentially it’s a yeast that can make a sour beer all on its own! We mutated this strain to our needs over a year. It's now more acid tolerant(there was a real problem with viability after a fermentation), more tolerant of temperates, better suited in anaerobic environments, and less stressed by a maltose filled environment. That being said, its still not as fond as a wort environment but its more tolerant then it was originally. There are many strains of Brettanomyces in the brewing world that are misidentified and are actually Wickerhamomyces a. This particular strain is great for adding what we know as a "Brett like quality" while also souring the beer.
|| || The famed Lachancea t species! This was the first species announced to be proof of yeast strains that could produce a significant amount of lactic acid. Like most of our Lachancea strains, this strain also produces higher amounts of glycerol making for a better body beer as well as amazing head formation and retention. It lends hints of stone fruit but is very neutral and balanced in flavor.
|| || Another one of our Lachancea t species. This was the first species announced to be proof of yeast strains that could produce a significant amount of lactic acid. Like our other Lachancea strains this strain also produces higher amounts of glycerol making for a better body beer as well as amazing head formation and retention. This one tends to sour a bit less then our other Lachancea t strain and lends a clean ale profile with hints of fruit esters.
|| || This particular strain of T. delbrueckii brings a earthy character but has a ethanol tolerance of around 5% so is best used when co pitched with another strain or low gravity beers. It tends to be more earthy when used co pitched.
|| || This strain is very hefeweizen like. It lends notes of cloves and light bananas while also having a slight rustic farmhouse feel. It's ethanol tolerance is around 6% so should not be used in high gravity beers unless co pitched with a strain that can attenuate out.
|| || This strain needs to be used in conjuction with another primary ferment. It will not fully attenuate but adds a funky quality to whatever its used in. It can be used pre ferment, co ferment, or post fermentation. Like most other Debaryomyces species this strain has a high salinity tolerance.
|| || A lactic acid bacteria that can also convert malic acid to lactic acid. This species is generally used in wine making to soften the malic acid character. However some strains can also metabolize maltose making it a viable souring bacteria. This strain can do so and adds a light stone fruit note to the beer. Keep in mind if fruiting a beer while this is present it will consume malic acid from the fruit creating more lactic acid.
|| || A lactic acid bacteria that can also convert malic acid to lactic acid. This species is generally used in wine making to soften the malic acid character. This strain cannot metabolize maltose so should be used after a beer has had some sort of fruit added or other carbon source of glucose/malic acid. We find this also pairs well with other bacteria strains.
|| || One of our most unique blends. This includes all of our yeast and bacteria strains that are not Sacc, Brett, Lacto, or Pedio. This blend will continue to change as we added new microbes to our bank. This blend is very unique as it changes severely depending on its environment and carbon sources. Can serve as a primary pitch with no additional brewer's yeast, or pitch additional brewer's yeast to suppress some yeast expression in this blend which results in more nuanced flavors <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1973120912716113/?comment_id=1973126846048853&reply_comment_id=1973160732712131&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R1%22%7D Justin Amaral. Milk The Funk thread on pitching A2A as a primary or secondary pitch. 01/31/2018.]</ref>.
|| || A LAY strain that just like the rest has been mutated to our needs. What is interesting about this strain is it is quite neutral in flavor and doesn't produce as much lactic acid as most of our LAY strains. It leaves the beer slightly tart usually around 3.7-3.9 pH. This strain also produces more glycerol then most yeast strains leaving more body as well as an amazing head creation and retention.
|| || || This species is generally found in Sherry wines. It's most commonly referred to as a "Flor" yeast. Is is a oxidative yeast that also forms a heavy pellicle with access to O2. It's best used in secondary environments but can be used in primary. It lends notes of fresh cut apples and earthy/hazelnut like flavors.
| } ===[[Propagate Lab]]==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| MIP-001 || ''Pichia kluyveri'' || Low || || || Highly aromatic with notes of candied orange and banana. This yeast can be used by itself the the production of low ABV beer or co-pitched with another yeast to drive ester production. |-| WYP39 || ''Lachancea fermentati'' || Med to High || || || In collaboration with [[Wild Pitch Yeast]]. Produces a clean/slightly fruity aroma and flavors characterized as sour, pineapple, mango, black tea, melon, and pear. Lactic acid production depends on the presence of simple sugars and occurs largely before ethanol production. Fermentation at temperatures of 72-86 F is recommended, with warmer temperatures yielding faster attenuation.|-| YH156 || ''Schizosaccharomyces japonicus'' || High || || || In collaboration with [[Wild Pitch Yeast]]. Produces a sweet fruit/apple/slightly smoky/melon aroma and flavors characterized as sour, green apple Jolly Rancher, and stone fruit. Lactic acid production depends on the presence of simple sugars and occurs largely before ethanol production. Fermentation at temperatures of 68-78 F is recommended, with warmer temperatures yielding faster attenuation. Pairs well with fruit in beer, cider, and mead, though sulfites should be avoided.|-| YH72 || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' || Med to High || || || In collaboration with [[Wild Pitch Yeast]]. Produces a neutral/slightly tart/fruity aroma and flavors characterized as sour, stone fruit, and clean. Lactic acid production depends on the presence of simple sugars and occurs largely before ethanol production. Fermentation at temperatures of 72-86 F is recommended, with warmer temperatures yielding faster attenuation. |-| YH82 || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' || Med to High || || || In collaboration with [[Wild Pitch Yeast]]. Produces a neutral/subtle pear aroma and flavors characterized as sour, fruity, perry, apple, and apricot. Lactic acid production depends on the presence of simple sugars and occurs largely before ethanol production. Fermentation at temperatures of 72-86 F is recommended, with warmer temperatures yielding faster attenuation.|-|} ===[[The Yeast Bay]] ==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| Berkeley Hills Sour Yeast Blend || ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' (multiple strains) || 62%-75% || Med-High || Propagation required for use as primary fermenter, as this is an unconcentrated wild yeast culture. || Optimally ferments and produces consistent acidity across a temperature range of 64-70 ºF Attenuation and ester profile tuneable based on percent of fermentables as glucose: 62% (all malt base) - red apple 72 % (malt base + 10% glucose) - red apple/stone fruit 75% (malt base + 20% glucose) - stone fruit Final pH tuneable based on percent of fermentables as glucose: 3.45-3.50 (all malt base) 3.30-3.35 (malt base + 10% glucose) 3.25-3.30 (malt base + 20% glucose) Final pH is 0.1-0.2 units higher for any wort composition in open fermentation as compared to closed tank fermentation, while the attenuation remains unchanged Produces similar results in the same wort composition across a range of pitch rates (1.0-2.5 million cells/mL/ºP) Can be serially re-pitched and reused with consistent results <ref>[https://www.theyeastbay.com/wild-capture/berkeley-hills-sour-yeast-blend Berkeley Hills Sour Yeast Blend. The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 01/24/2022.]</ref>|-| Metschnikowia reukaufii || ''Metschnikowia reukaufii'' || 20-25% (cannot utilize maltose) || Med-High || || ''M. reukaufii'' is a nectar specialist that was isolated from flowers in the Berkeley Hills of California. Evolutionarily, these yeast likely evolved to produce a more odorous and attractive nectar for pollinators by enzymatically altering otherwise inodorous nectar compounds like glycosides.
While only attenuating to 20-25% in brewer’s wort and not utilizing maltose or maltose polymers, in co-fermentations it has been shown to drop gravity and pH of the fermentation faster, accentuate and modulate the flavor and aroma profile and soften the perceived bitterness of the finished product. This accentuation of the aroma profile is likely due to not only the complex though rather subdued fruit cocktail ester profile of M. reukaufii, but also to the production of glucosidases (exhibited by others in the genus) that utilize hop glycosides as substrate to free flavor active molecules from the sugars to which they are bound. This strain MUST be used in conjunction with other yeast that can ferment brewer’s wort that is capable of fermenting maltose. Count: ~10 billion cells/vial <ref>[https://www.theyeastbay.com/beta-release-cultures/metschnikowia-reukaufii Metschnikowia reukaufii. The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 08/21/2019.]</ref>. See also [[Nonconventional_Yeasts_and_Bacteria#Metschnikowia_reukaufii|''Metschnikowia reukaufii'']].
| } ===[[White Labs]] ==={|| Various || Various || || || || See https://www.whitelabs.com/yeast-vaultclass="wikitable sortable"
! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes| -| Various || Various || || || || See https://www.whitelabs.com/the_vault?id=60|-|} ===[[Wild Pitch Yeast]] ==={| class="wikitable sortable"|-! Product Name !! Taxonomy !! Attenuation !! Flocculation !! Starter Note !! Fermentation/Other Notes|-| Yeast YH2 || ''Hanseniaspora uvarum'' || 45% ||
|| || This wild cousin of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is often found in wine fermentations was isolated from a serviceberry in Bloomington, IN in 2014. This yeast produces a yeasty aroma and lends a pleasant tart, spicy flavor to beer. It is recommended for a mixed fermentation with a neutral, more attenuative ''S. cerevisiae'' strain <ref name="wild_pitch_catalog">[http://wildpitchyeast.com/yeast-catalog Wild Pitch Yeast catalog. Retrieved 1/2/2018.]</ref>. Produces lactic acid (down to pH 3.2 in some cases) and ethanol (up to 8-9% ABV) at the same time and is hop tolerant up to at least 75 IBU <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1947575938603944/?comment_id=1947588381936033&reply_comment_id=1951757644852440&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D Dr. Matt Bochman. Milk The Funk thread on Saucy Brew Works use of lactic acid yeast. 01/12/2018.]</ref>.
|| || This wild cousin of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' was isolated from a chestnut oak tree in Bloomington, IN in 2014. This yeast produces a mild yeasty aroma and beers that flavors that are Belgian- and saison-like with a subtle spice. It is recommended for a mixed fermentation with a neutral, more attenuative ''S. cerevisiae'' strain <ref name="wild_pitch_catalog" />.
|| || This wild cousin of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' was isolated from a white oak tree on the Indiana University campus in Bloomington, IN in 2014. This yeast produces a Belgian phenolic character and an original bubblegum flavor <ref name="wild_pitch_catalog" />.
==General Information==
===Regional and Climate Differences in Microbial Populations===
* [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.13.452236v1 Substrate, temperature, and geographical patterns among nearly 2,000 natural yeast isolates; Spurley et al. 2021.] See also this [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/posts/4795708503790659/ post on MTF ] about this study.
===Killer Toxins===
===''Candida'' spp===
====''Candida glabrata''====
A strain of ''Candida glabrata'' was selected in a study for its high beta-glucosidase activity, its tolerance to ethanol, and its ability to utilize maltose, and was shown to produce novel flavor characteristics in beer fermentation, including a significant increase in geraniol <ref>[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0308814622026887#f0020 Application of non-Saccharomyces yeasts with high β-glucosidase activity to enhance terpene-related floral flavor in craft beer. Xiaoyu Han, Qiuxing Qin, Chenyu Li, Xiaoxuan Zhao, Fangxu Song, Mengjiao An, Ying Chen, Xiuqin Wang, Weidong Huang, Jicheng Zhan, Yilin You. 2022.]</ref>.
===''Cyberlindnera'' spp.===
''Debaryomyces'' is a genus of yeast commonly referred to as a spoilage yeast <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debaryomyces Wikipedia. Debaryomyces. Retrieved 09/03/2015.]</ref>. The non-pathogenic species ''D. hansenii'' is commonly found in cheese and is an osmotolerant, halotolerant, and xerotolerant (tolerant high amounts of salt and sugar, and low amounts of water) <ref>[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debaryomyces_hansenii Wikipedia. Debaryomyces hansenii. Retrieved 09/03/2015.]</ref>. Debaryomyces are associated with natural fermentation, and tend to develop during the maturation of beer <ref name="Brewlab_debaryomyces">[https://www.brewlab.co.uk/news/the-original-flag-porter-story "The Original Flag Porter Story". Brewlab website. 01/20/2017. Retrieved 12/08/2017.]</ref>. Many species of ''Debaryomyces'' have been to biotransform monoterpenes found in hop oils (see [[Hops#Hop_Derived_Compounds_In_Beer_and_Biotransformations|Hop Biotransformations]]).
Recently it was found living cells of a ''Debaryomyces'' species in a [https://www.brewlab.co.uk/news/the-original-flag-porter-story bottle of porter] found in a shipwreck under the English Channel that was dated to 1825. It is currently unknown how this yeast might have affected the flavor of the historical porter, but the characterization of this yeast is underway by Brewlab in the UK <ref name="Brewlab_debaryomyces" /><ref>[https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jib.641 Thomas, K., Ironside, K., Clark, L., and Bingle, L. (2021) Preliminary microbiological and chemical analysis of two historical stock ales from Victorian and Edwardian brewing. J. Inst. Brew., 127: 167– 175. https://doi.org/10.1002/jib.641.]</ref>. See also [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/posts/5338230866205084/?comment_id=5338705966157574 this post by Gareth Young] on tasting one of these bottles, and his potential attempts to culture microbes from other bottles.
Some species of ''Debaryomyces'' can produce exopolysaccharides (EPS), which are extracellular (produced and expelled outside of the cell) polymers of monosaccharides connected by glycosidic bonds with a degree of polymerization higher than 10. EPS assists in producing biofilms for microorganisms. It is possible that EPS from yeast could make beer "ropy" or "sick", similar to [[Pediococcus]] <ref name="Gientka_2015">[https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283498621_Exopolysaccharides_from_yeast_insight_into_optimal_conditions_for_biosynthesis_chemical_composition_and_functional_properties_-_review?fbclid=IwAR1X6Y0rnquoF6SD-eH9m6EWpLIefgZJFUJK51NJYBooJWngxEVS2aR3PKE Exopolysaccharides from yeast: insight into optimal conditions for biosynthesis, chemical composition and functional properties - review. Iwona Gientka, Stanisław Błażejak, Stanisław Błażejak, Lidia Stasiak, Lidia Stasiak, Anna Chlebowska-Śmigiel, Anna Chlebowska-Śmigiel. 2015.]</ref>.
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0740002022001782
Many species of ''Kluyveromyces'' have been to biotransform monoterpenes found in hop oils (see [[Hops#Hop_Derived_Compounds_In_Beer_and_Biotransformations|Hop Biotransformations]]).
See also:
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERrI0ktxRp0 "5 Tips for Fermenting with Philly Sour" by Lallemand Brewing on YouTube] and [https://www.crowdcast.io/e/philly-sour-launch Dr. Matthew Farber's webinar].
* [https://www.milkthefunk.live/podcast/2021/2/26/episode-012-dr-bryan-heit-of-sui-generis-brewing-blog-joins-us-to-talk-philly-sour MTF The Podcast episode #012 with Dr. Bryan Heit on Philly Sour]. Also see [http://suigenerisbrewing.com/index.php/2021/02/12/diving-deep-in-to-philly-sour/ his deep dive] blog article on the biology of this product and strategies for repitching it.
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1366829093345301/ Post 1] and [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1380004022027808/ Post 2] on ''Lachancea thermotolerans'' that can produce significant lactic acid without modification.
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1746164415411765/ MTF thread] on an application from John Sheppard, Robert Dunn, Anne Madden from North Carolina State University to patent pitching this yeast into wort, which prevents other yeast labs from offering any other strains of this species and also prevents brewers from using this species from other sources. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1808645679163638/ A follow up post on 09/01/2017] discusses Sheppard and Madden opening a business that claims patent on this yeast, and restricts competing breweries/yeast companies from using it. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1933990046629200/ University of Sciences Philidelphia], via Matthew J. Farber's work, is also trying to claim patent on this process.
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2872732672754928/ MTF thread by Jeremy Myers on making a saison style beer with Levulia Alcomeno.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3724558250905695/ The Yeast Bay trialing two strains of ''L. thermotolerans'', including their process.]
* [https://byo.com/article/alternative-souring-methods-acid-producing-yeast-strains/ "Alternative Souring Methods: Acid-producing yeast strains," by Federico Tondini, BYO Magazine October 2021.]
(To do)
- Bochman et al. (2018) paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0740002017302952
- Lachancea thermotolerans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in simultaneous and sequential co-fermentation: A strategy to enhance acidity and improve the overall quality of wine: https://www.academia.edu/20392016/Lachancea_thermotolerans_and_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_in_simultaneous_and_sequential_co_fermentation_A_strategy_to_enhance_acidity_and_improve_the_overall_quality_of_wine?email_work_card=title
- https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5710/9/1/20
- https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5637/10/4/180
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10068-024-01769-9
====''Lachancea fermentati''====
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2629290363765828/ Co-fermentation notes on MTF by Nick Impellitteri of The Yeast Bay.]
* [http://scottjanish.com/m-reukaufii-a-nectar-inhabiting-wild-yeast-with-biotransformation-potential-in-hoppy-beer/ "M. Reukaufii, a Nectar-inhabiting Wild Yeast with Biotransformation Potential in Hoppy Beer," by Scott Janish.]
====''Moniliella megachiliensis''====
[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.21.453216v1 Bochman et al. (2021)] isolated a strain of this species from the Olympic National Park. With the ability to ferment maltose, it showed some degree of attenuation in DME wort (more than many wild yeasts, but not as high as ''S. cerevisiae''), and is hop tolerant. It was tolerant of low amounts of alcohol up to 6% ABV. It performed better at 34-37°C than at 30°C, suggesting that it prefers warmer temperatures. The flavor profile in beer fermented with this species was characterized as tasting of pleasant esters and bubblegum <ref>[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.21.453216v1 Isolation of wild yeasts from Olympic National Park and Moniliella megachiliensis ONP131 physiological characterization for beer fermentation Renan Eugênio Araujo Piraine, David Gerald Nickens, David J. Sun, Fábio Pereira Leivas Leite, Matthew L. Bochman. bioRxiv 2021.07.21.453216; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.21.453216.]</ref>.
====''Pichia kluyveri''====
Proposed to be useful in the production of non-alcoholic beer. See [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2336842936343907/ this MTF thread] on suspecting this yeast to be the one used in a recent Mikkeller [https://blog.mikkeller.dk/mikkeller-launches-a-new-style-of-alcohol-free-beer?fbclid=IwAR2LfBxi-1YyrMYXuhR8BIauCjcxWNOW2-L8HBu0m5BB-q3i77-j74w4Dm4 non-alcoholic beer called "Henry and His Science"]. See also this [https://www.masterbrewerspodcast.com/272 MBAA Podcast on brewing NA beer at Sam Adams].
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2745933662101497/ This MTF thread by Brendan Pleskow] explores the possibility of producing significant ethanol with this species using BSG Amylo™ enzyme.
* [https://www.chr-hansen.com/en/food-cultures-and-enzymes/fermented-beverages/cards/product-cards/frootzen-first-ever-pichia-kluyveri-yeast Chr Hansen Frootzen® is claimed to be a high thiol producer.] * [https://beersmith.com/blog/2023/02/28/non-alcoholic-beer-and-yeast-with-janish-and-carlsen-beersmith-podcast-276/ Non Alcoholic Beer and Yeast with Janish and Carlsen – BeerSmith Podcast #276.] - https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5637/11/3/148
====''Pichia kudriavzevii''====
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/4274824649212383/ "The Past and Future of ''S. pombe'' in Fermentation," MTF post by Cory Widmayer giving an overview of ''S. pombe'' in alcoholic fermentation (leading up to experimentation on reducing sulfur and acetate production for non-distillation fermentation).]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/3361360907225433/ MTF write ups by Cory Widmayer of the fermentation process for traditional Jamaican rum, with an emphasis on aromatic mold (''Thielaviopsis ethacetica'') and ''Schizosaccharomyces pombe''.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/592560317438853/?multi_permalinks=4925298390831669 MTF post by Cory Widmayer on isolation and identification techniques for ''S. pombe''.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/posts/5842191532475679/ Cory Widmayer's experiments and guide brewing beer with ''S. pombe'' (see comments for links to Cory's other threads).]
* [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/posts/7179325622095590/ Cory Widmayer's first attempt at using ''S. pombe'' to make whiskey.]
===''Torulaspora delbrueckii''===
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29492641
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/2037872376240966/
- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03610470.2021.2025327
- https://www.mdpi.com/2311-5637/10/12/657
''Torulaspora delbrueckii'' is species of yeast, that is round to ovoid in shape and has been traditionally used in some wine fermentations to increase the complexity. Most of the commercial ''Torulaspora'' species and strains were isolated from soil, fermenting grapes (wine), berries, agave juice, tea-beer, apple juice, leaf of mangrove a tree, moss, lemonade and tree barks. Although it was said that most ''T. delbrueckii'' strains would not fully attenuate or tolerate higher alcohol contents it has been shown that this property is strain-dependent.
====General Information====
An analysis was done on 10 different ''T. delbruckiidelbrueckii'' strains on various types of stress resistance as well as the ability to metabolize different carbon sources. The strains tested and the results are shown below.
<ref name="10 strain TD">[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/yea.3146/full . Screening for new brewing yeasts in the non-Saccharomyces sector with Torulaspora delbrueckii as model. Maximilian Michel, Jana Kopecká. 2016.]</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Designation <ref name="10 strain TD"></ref> !! Strain number/signature !! Origin
| T6 || RIBMa TdA || Wine
=====Hop Resistance=====
====''Oenococcus oeni''====
''Oenococcus oeni''(also know as ''Leuconostoc oeni'') is a Genus of Gram-positive LAB, ellipsoidal to spherical in shape that is primarily used in Malolactic Fermentation. ''Oenococcus oeni'' is a facultative anaerobe. It is able to use oxygen for cellular respiration but can also gain energy through fermentation. It characteristically grows well in the environments of wine, being able to survive in acidic conditions below pH 3.0 and tolerant of ethanol levels above 10%. Optimal growth occurs on sugar and protein rich media. Cells tend to grow in chains or pairs. ''O. Oeni'' is heterofermentative and generally produces CO2, Ethanol, Acetate, and Diacetyl. <ref name="MicrobeWikiOO">[https://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Oenococcus_oeni "Oenococcus oeni". Microbe Wiki. Retrieved 07/20/2017.]</ref>
Althought ''O. oeni'' has primarily been used for Malolactic Fermentation, trials with the White Labs culture(only one reported on so far) has show lactic acid production without the presence of malic acid. James Sites reported souring within a week at 70°F. <ref name="post">[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1121887807839432/ James Site. Milk The Funk Facebook group. 08/04/2015.]</ref>
This species can also produce exopolysaccharides (EPS) similar to [[Pediococcus]], but in most wines the levels of EPS do not make wine ropy <ref>[https://www.academia.edu/27927068/Evidence_for_exopolysaccharide_production_by_Oenococcus_oeni_strains_isolated_from_non_ropy_wines?email_work_card=title Ciezack, G. et al. “Evidence for Exopolysaccharide Production by Oenococcus Oeni Strains Isolated from Non-Ropy Wines.” Journal of Applied Microbiology 108.2 (2010): 499–509. Web.]</ref>.
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===''Propionibacterium ''===
One study reported elevated levels of vitamin B12 produced in a two-stage fermentation first with ''Propionibacterium freudenreichii'' and then ''Saccharomyces'' yeast. The reported beers were reportedly not significantly different in the sensory profiles of the beers <ref>[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212429224022387 Iida Loivamaa, Maija Greis, Vertti Nikander, Minnamari Edelmann, Marjo Pöysä, Pekka Varmanen, Per E.J. Saris. Two-step fermentation to produce vitamin B12 containing beer using Propionibacterium freudenreichii and yeast. Food Bioscience, Volume 63, 2025, 105807, ISSN 2212-4292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2024.105807.]</ref>.