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The morphology of ''Brettanomyces'' can vary immensely from strain to strain (and species to species). Some strains can look similar in size and shape to ''S. cerevisiae'' under a microscopic image, while others are elongated or much smaller. This makes it difficult to identify ''Brettanomyces'' without DNA analysis (see [[Laboratory_Techniques#PCR.2FqPCR|PCR)]]. Morphologies of ''Brettanomyces'' grown on agar plates can also be different from strain to strain. For example, Devin Henry found that a sample of WLP648 that contained two closely related strains of ''B. bruxellensis'' grew completely differently on the same growth media. At first, larger, slightly off-white colonies grew on the plates (this was the first strain), and then a few days later the second strain grew as many smaller white-colored colonies. Other strains may appear as glossy or matted with jagged edges, etc. Morphology on agar plates can change depending on the type of growth media <ref>[ Yakobson, Chad. "Morphological Trains". Masters Dissertation. 2011. Retrieved 05/12/2017.]</ref><ref name="bryan_vrai" /><ref>[ Samuel Aeschlimann. "Brettanomyces bruxellensis microscopy pictures". Eureka Brewing blog. 03/12/2012. Retrieved 05/12/2017.]</ref>. While genetic (PCR) identification is required for any kind of confident identification of ''Brettanomyces'', specialized selective media can also help identify ''Brettanomyces''; see [[Laboratory_Techniques#Brettanomyces|Selective Media]].
See also:
* [ ''Brettanomyces'' morphology examples from Remi Bonnart.]
* [ "Brett Trois – A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma," Sui Generis Blog; an example of ''S. cerevisiae'' appearing like ''Brettanomyces'' cells under a microscope.]
* [ Morphology examples on Bootleg Biology's website.]
===Environment and Survival===
''Brettanomyces'' has been thought to occur naturally on the skins of fruit such as apples and grapes. However, there are only a handful of reports of ''Brettanomyces'' being identified on the skins of fruit, and in some cases where ''Brettanomyces'' has been found, its abundance is extremely minimal <ref name="Aires_2025">[ Aires, C.; Maioto, R.; Inês, A.; Dias, A.A.; Rodrigues, P.; Egas, C.; Sampaio, A. Microbiome and Microbiota Within Wineries: A Review. Microorganisms 2025, 13, 538.]</ref><ref>[ Lentz, M., Putzke, T., Hessler, R. and Luman, E. (2014), Genetic and physiological characterization of yeast isolated from ripe fruit and analysis of fermentation and brewing potential, J. Inst. Brew., 120: 559– 564. DOI: 10.1002/jib.154.]</ref><ref name="Comitini">[ Occurrence of Brettanomyces bruxellensis on grape berries and in related winemaking cellar. Francesca Comitini, Lucia Oro, Laura Canonico, Valentina Marinelli, Maurizio Ciani. 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00415.]</ref><ref name="Renouf_2007">[ Development of an enrichment medium to detect Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis, a spoilage wine yeast, on the surface of grape berries. Vincent Renouf, Aline Lonvaud-Funel. 2007. DOI:]</ref>. In contrast, there are also studies that indicate ''Brettanomyces'' only being found during or after food processing, which indicates that the processing equipment may be the primary source for the ''Brettanomyces''. In addition, ''Brettanomyces'' has been isolated in abundance from the surfaces of equipment/processed materials in wineries and breweries <ref name="Aires_2025" /><ref name="smith_divol_2016" /><ref name="Schifferdecker" /><ref name="Loureiro_2003">[ Spoilage yeasts in the wine industry. Loureiro V, Malfeito-Ferreira M. 2003.]</ref><ref name="Steensels" /><ref name="Barata_2008">[ Survival patterns of Dekkera bruxellensis in wines and inhibitory effect of sulphur dioxide. f Barata A, Caldeira J, Botelheiro R, Pagliara D, Malfeito-Ferreira M, Loureiro V. 2008.]</ref> (Table 1). For example, an ongoing survey of wild yeasts in different regions of United States wilderness areas which isolated nearly 2,000 isolates with 262 unique species has not yet found a single occurrence of ''Brettanomyces'' in the wild (so far they have only surveyed non-human inhabited wild areas of the US and Alaska; substrates sampled included leaves, soil, bark, moss, mushrooms, needles, pine cones, twigs/wood, and other plant matter) <ref>[ Substrate, temperature, and geographical patterns among nearly 2,000 natural yeast isolates. William J. Spurley, Kaitlin J. Fisher, Quinn K. Langdon, Kelly V. Buh, Martin Jarzyna, Max A. B. Haase, Kayla Sylvester, Ryan V. Moriarty, Daniel Rodriguez, Angela Sheddan, Sarah Wright, Lisa Sorlie, Amanda Beth Hulfachor, Dana A. Opulente, Chris Todd Hittinger. bioRxiv 2021.07.13.452236; doi:]</ref>. It is therefore unclear that ''Brettanomyces'' found on grape skins originated there or from the industrial processing where it is more abundant. It is also thought to disperse via fruit-flies (called "vectors" in the scientific literature), similar to how ''Saccharomyces'' travels, although direct evidence for this has been reported rarely and only on fruit-flies in wineries that are likely to come into contact with equipment/processed material that is already contaminated with ''Brettanomyces'' <ref>[ Dr. Bryan Heit. BotB - Where (Do) The Wild Brettanomyces Roam?. ~5 mins in. Retrieved 07/10/2022.]</ref><ref name="Renouf_2007" /><ref name="Steensels">[ Brettanomyces yeasts — From spoilage organisms to valuable contributors to industrial fermentations. Jan Steensels, Luk Daenen, Philippe Malcorps, Guy Derdelinckx, Hubert Verachtert, Kevin J. Verstrepen. International Journal of Food Microbiology Volume 206, 3 August 2015, Pages 24–38.]</ref><ref name="Barata_2008" /><ref name="Loureiro_2003" />. ''Brettanomyces'' is known to be difficult to grow in a lab due to slow growth, specific nutrient requirements, or perhaps because of a "VBNC" state (see [[Wild_Yeast_Isolation#Wild_Brettanomyces|Wild ''Brettanomyces'']] for more information), which may account for the lack of evidence for fruit being the primary natural habitat for ''Brettanomyces''. More recently, techniques have been invented to more easily isolate and grow ''Brettanomyces'' <ref name="Renouf_2007" /><ref name="Comitini" />. There is also significant evidence that the natural habitat of ''Brettanomyces'' might actually be the root systems of certain plants, known as the [ "rhizosphere"]. The rhizosphere refers to the complex symbiotic community of microbe populations that live on and around the root system of plants. Wild strains of ''Brettanomyces'' have been found in the root systems of dill, common beans, sunflowers, maize, corn, jute, cassava, and grey mangroves found in the estuaries of Indonesia <ref>[ Weisany, W., Raei, Y., Salmasi, S., Sohrabi, Y. and Ghassemi-Golezani, K. (2016), Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi induced changes in rhizosphere, essential oil and mineral nutrients uptake in dill/common bean intercropping system. Ann Appl Biol, 169: 384-397.]</ref><ref>[ I.O, S. ., & G.P, O. . (2012). Diversity of Fungal Populations in Soils Cultivated With Cassava Cultivar TMS 98/0505. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 2(3), 116–123. Retrieved from]</ref><ref>[ Rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil mycoflora of Corchorus olitorius (Jute). G.S. Olahan, I.O. Sule, T Garuba, Y.A. Salawu. Science World Journal. 2016.]</ref><ref>[ NOERFITRYANI, Noerfitryani; HAMZAH, Hamzah. THE EXISTENCE OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC FUNGI ON RICE PLANTS RHIZOSPHERE. International Journal of Biosciences and Biotechnology, p. 12-24, dec. 2017. ISSN 2655-9994. doi:]</ref><ref>[ Marcela Sarabia, Saila Cazares, Antonio González-Rodríguez, Francisco Mora, Yazmín Carreón-Abud, John Larsen, Plant growth promotion traits of rhizosphere yeasts and their response to soil characteristics and crop cycle in maize agroecosystems, Rhizosphere, Volume 6, 2018, Pages 67-73, ISSN 2452-2198,]</ref><ref>[ Nivien A. Nafady, Mohamed Hashem, Elhagag A. Hassan, Hoda A.M. Ahmed, Saad A. Alamri. The combined effect of arbuscular mycorrhizae and plant-growth-promoting yeast improves sunflower defense against Macrophomina phaseolina diseases. Biological Control. Volume 138, 2019, 104049. ISSN 1049-9644,]</ref><ref>[ Isolation and Characterization of Yeast from Rhizosphere Avicennia Marina Wonorejo. Sitatun Zunaidah, Nur Hidayatul Alami. 2014. DOI: 10.12962/j23373520.v3i1.5613.]</ref>. See Dr. Bryan Heit's video [ "Where (Do) The Wild Brettanomyces Roam?"] and [ his comments in Milk The Funk], as well as [ "Philip Poole. Plant Control of the Rhizosphere Microbiome"]. For documented isolation attempts from plant rhizospheres, see [[Wild_Yeast_Isolation#Wild_Brettanomyces|Wild Yeast Isolation]].
The occurrence of ''Brettanomyces'' has been more commonly identified in industrial food processing areas (wine, beer, kombucha, soft drinks, dairy products, tea, sourdough, etc.) <ref name="Crauwels_2016">[ Fermentation assays reveal differences in sugar and (off-) flavor metabolism across different Brettanomyces bruxellensis strains. Fermentation assays reveal differences in sugar and (off-) flavor metabolism across different Brettanomyces bruxellensis strains. Sam Crauwels, Filip Van Opstaele, Barbara Jaskula-Goiris, Jan Steensels, Christel Verreth, Lien Bosmans, Caroline Paulussen, Beatriz Herrera-Malaver, Ronnie de Jonge, Jessika De Clippeleer, Kathleen Marchal, Gorik De Samblanx, Kris A. Willems, Kevin J. Verstrepen, Guido Aerts, and Bart Lievens. 2016]</ref>. For example, ''B bruxelensis'', ''B. anomala'', and ''B. custersianus'' have mostly been isolated from wine or beer production, while ''B. naardenensis'' has mostly been isolated from soda production <ref name="Tiukova_2019">[ Assembly and Analysis of the Genome Sequence of the Yeast Brettanomyces naardenensis CBS 7540. Ievgeniia A. Tiukova, Huifeng Jiang, Jacques Dainat, Marc P. Hoeppner, Henrik Lantz, Jure Piskur, Mats Sandgren, Jens Nielsen, Zhenglong Gu, and Volkmar Passoth. 2019. DOI:]</ref>. ''Brettanomyces'' is not considered to be airborne; however, one study has demonstrated a very small amount of cells in the air at wineries where wine with ''Brettanomyces'' in it was being handled (most of the yeasts found in the air were ''Aureobasidium'' and ''Cryptococcus'', which aren't considered spoilage organisms in beer and wine). This set of studies also determined that very specific methodology was needed in order capture ''Brettanomyces'' from the air, and indicated that the yeast was "stressed". A [ second study] carried out in three wineries in the Bordeaux region of France reported finding ''B. bruxellensis'' in the air from three out of ten samples between two of the breweries; all three of the breweries had ''B. bruxellensis'' found on various surfaces within the wineries. While it is possible for ''Brettanomyces'' to be briefly carried by gusts of air, it only happens in the vicinity where the ''Brettanomyces'' beer or wine is being bottled (more so) or is actively fermenting (less so) <ref>[ Screening of yeast mycoflora in winery air samples and their risk of wine contamination. E. Ocón, P. Garijo, S. Sanz, C. Olarte, R. López, P. Santamaría, A.R. Gutiérrez. Food Control Volume 34, Issue 2, December 2013, Pages 261–267.]</ref><ref name="Montagner_2024">[ Le Montagner, P., Etourneau, L., Ballestra, P., Dols-Lafargue, M., Albertin, W., Maupeu, J., … Masneuf-Pomarède, I. (2024). Critical areas for Brettanomyces bruxellensis contamination and biofilm formation in the cellar: on the origin of wine spoilage. OENO One, 58(3).]</ref>. Good cleaning and sanitation and cold temperatures should be employed to keep ''Brettanomyces'' from contaminating other equipment; however, flying insects could also be a potential cause for ''Brettanomyces'' contamination (although direct evidence for this is lacking).
[[File:Chlamydospore Brett.JPG|thumb|First evidence of possible (unconfirmed <ref name="heit_lebleux">[ Dr. Bryan Heit. Milk The Funk Facebook group thread on Lebleux et al. (2019) and chlamydospore in Brettanomyces. 12/11/2019.]</ref>) chlamydospore cell structures of ''B. bruxellensis'', found in a biofilm. Photo by [ Lebleux et al. (2019)] <ref name="Lebleux_2019">[ New advances on the Brettanomyces bruxellensis biofilm mode of life. Manon Lebleux, Hany Abdo, Christian Coelho, Louise Basmaciyan, Warren Albertin, Julie Maupeu, Julie Laurent, Chloé Roullier-Gall, Hervé Alexandre, Michèle Guilloux-Benatier, Stéphanie Weidmann, Sandrine Rousseaux. 2019. DOI:]</ref>.]]
''Brettanomyces'' has the ability to form a [[Quality_Assurance#Biofilms|biofilm]]. Biofilm formation is a survival mechanism induced by stress whereby the cells adhere to non-living surfaces such as plastic and stainless steel <ref>[ "Brettanomyces bruxellensis biofilms: a mode of life to withstand environmental stresses?" Sandrine Rousseaux, Manon Lebleux, Hany Abdo, Louise Basmacyian, Chloé Roullier-Gall, Hervé Alexandre, Stéphanie Weidmann. 2020. DOI:]</ref><ref>[ Scott J Britton, Thijs Dingemans, Lisa Rogers, Jane S White, Dawn L Maskell, Excitation of filamentous growth in dekkera spp. By quorum sensing aromatic alcohols 2-phenylethanol and tryptophol, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2024;, fnae105,]</ref>. After adhesion to the surface, the cells produce a protective layer of proteins and polysaccharides that help protect the organism from cleaning and sanitizing agents.
Joseph et al. (2007) tested 36 wine strains of ''B. bruxellensis'' for biofilm formation over a 10 day period. They found that just under half of the strains formed a biofilm, and about half of those formed considerable and consistent biofilms throughout the tests. Almost all strains tested (95%) adhered to a surface with 0.1% glucose within 6 hours of contact (the same conditions that get ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' to adhere to a surface; longer contact with surfaces and higher residual sugar could encourage ''Brettanomyces'' to adhere more readily to surfaces). A juice-based growth media in the range range of 2 - 4.5 pH was tested for biofilm formation and 3-4 for cell adhesion to a surface, and for most of the strains they formed stronger biofilms and adhered better in the higher pH growth media (4.5 pH being the highest tested). Under a pH of 3.5 significantly dropped biofilm formation and adherence, indicating that something about pH affects the cells ability to attach themselves. The researchers concluded that winemakers should keep wine in the lower end of the pH range (3.5). Six different types of cleaners were tested to see how well they removed the biofilms: keytones + surfactant detergent, quaternary ammonia + surfactant detergent, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), sodium carbonate (soda ash), sodium hydroxide + surfactant (alkaline detergent), and chlorine (sanitizer, not a detergent). They found that only caustic soda was consistently efficient at removing the biofilm. The chlorine, while it did not remove the biofilm, still killed all of the ''Brettanomyces'' cells, and it was presumed that the other cleaners might have killed the ''Brettanomyces'', but that was not tested for. They also tested to see if cells that were adhered to a surface could be cleaned. Again, the caustic soda performed consistently the best, but the ammonia + surfactant cleaner and the quaternary ammonia + surfactant detergent also effectively removed adhered cells. The other cleaners varied in how well they removed adhered cells from a surface <ref>[ Adhesion and biofilm production by wine isolates of Brettanomyces bruxellensis. C. M. Lucy Joseph, Gagandeep Renuka Kumar, Gagandeep Renuka Kumar, Edward Su, Linda F Bisson. 2006. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 58(3):373-378.]</ref>.
Lebleux et al. (2019) measured biofilm density for 12 strains across 5 of the genetic groups of ''B. bruxellensis''. All of the strains produced a biofilm when in contact with a surface (polystyrene and stainless steel, in the case of this study), and the thickness of the biofilm was proportional to the cell size of each strain. The biofilms contained filamentous cells that started from the base of the biofilm and extended upward, indicating multiple layers. The biofilms also contained exopolysaccharides (EPS), but the makeup of the EPS was not analyzed and this was identified as a goal for further study. The average thickness was only 9.45 µm which is much thinner than other biofilm-forming yeast species (''Candida'' and a biofilm-producing strain of ''S. cerevisiae'' <ref>[ Saccharomyces cerevisiae biofilm tolerance towards systemic antifungals depends on growth phase. Bojsen, R., Regenberg, B. & Folkesson, A. BMC Microbiol 14, 305 (2014). DOI: 10.1186/s12866-014-0305-4.]</ref>). They found that one or two strains were less dense (contained fewer cells) than the average. A couple of the strains grew a biofilm a little slower than average. Two of the strains in biofilm form were added to wine; each of the biofilms released cells into the wine, although one strain released more cells than the other. Introduction to the wine first led to cell death for some cells due to the harsh environment of the wine, but after several days the ''B. bruxellensis'' strains began to re-grow in the wine. It was observed that for one of the strains, the cells appeared larger than normal, round, and had thicker cell walls, possibly forming what is known as [ chlamydospore cell structures]. It was not confirmed in the study whether these cells were actually chlamydospores, and their structure could be due to relatively insignificant reasons <ref name="heit_lebleux" />. Chlamydospore cell structures are known to help certain species of non-yeast fungi survive harsh environments; however, it has not yet been established that yeast with chlamydospore cell structures helps them survive harsh conditions, and this was also identified in the study as an area for further research <ref name="Lebleux_2019" />.
Montagner et al. (2024) examined the biofilms of several strains of ''B. bruxellensis'' that were found at one of three different wineries in the Bordeaux region of France. They reported that phenol production occurred within the biofilm and hypothesized that it is possible that phenol contamination in wine could be a result of the wine coming into contact with the biofilm rather than solely from ''Brettanomyces'' growing in the wine. They also observed the detachment of ''B. bruxellensis'' cells from the biofilm and into the wine <ref name="Montagner_2024" />. 
See also:
* [[Quality Assurance]]
====UV Light====
There is some evidence that ''Brettanomyces'' can be sensitive to high levels of light. [ Catrileo et al. (2021)] showed that under laboratory conditions, ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' was not able to grow when exposed to a 2500 lux and 4000 lux light source. For reference, the lux of indirect daylight is around 10,000 - 25,000 and the lux of office lighting is usually between 350 and 500 <ref>[ "Lux". Wikipedia. Retrieved 02/20/2022.]</ref>. However, when p-coumaric acid, a phenolic precursor that is present in plants and fruits (including malted barley and wheat), is present, certain genes are expressed during the growth of ''B. bruxellensis'' that allow it to adapt to the high light exposure conditions. While this study does not show at what level light begins to affect ''B. bruxellensis'' (the lowest light intensity that they tested was 2500 lux), [ Woodward et al. (1978)] demonstrated that ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' growth is unaffected by light until about 1,250 lux, at which point it begins to inhibit growth and the transfer of nutrients across the cell membrane <ref>[ Catrileo D, Moreira S, Ganga MA and Godoy L (2021) Effect of Light and p-Coumaric Acid on the Growth and Expression of Genes Related to Oxidative Stress in Brettanomyces bruxellensis LAMAP2480. Front. Microbiol. 12:747868. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.747868.]</ref><ref>[ J R Woodward, V P Cirillo, L N Edmunds, Jr. Light effects in yeast: inhibition by visible light of growth and transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown at low temperatures. ASM Journals. Journal of Bacteriology. Vol. 133, No. 2. 1978.]</ref>. Grangeteau et al (2024) demonstrated that 10 minutes of ultra-high irradiance (UHI) blue light treatment resulted in the complete death of ''B. bruxellensis'' within a biofilm <ref>[ C. Grangeteau, M. Lebleux, V. David, S. Rousseaux, H. Alexandre, L. Beney, S. Dupont. Ultra-high irradiance (UHI) blue light treatment: A promising method for inactivation of the wine spoilage yeast Brettanomyces bruxellensis. LWT, 2024, 117038. ISSN 0023-6438.]</ref>. Additionally, Cvetkova et al (2025) showed that UV inactivation of ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' in white wine was more efficient at 280 nm than at 254 nm, but at 280 NM, white wine flavor properties such as phenols were negatively affected <ref>[ Svetlana Cvetkova, Elke Herrmann, Jutta Keiser, Benedikt Woll, Mario Stahl, Maren Scharfenberger-Schmeer, Elke Richling, Dominik Durner. Comparing the effect of UV treatment at wavelengths 254 nm and 280 nm: inactivation of Brettanomyces bruxellensis and impact on chemical and sensory properties of white wine. Food Control, 2025, 111250. ISSN 0956-7135.]</ref>.
As a follow up question within Milk The Funk group on Facebook regarding if lower levels of light could impact ''Brettanomyces'' growth, Richard Preiss of Escarpment Labs performed an in-house experiment to grow ''Brettanomyces'' in the presence of standard fluorescent lights and reported finding no impact of the lights on ''Brettanomyces'' growth <ref>[ Richard Preiss. Milk The Funk Facebook group post on impact of light on ''Brettanomyces'' growth. 03/07/2022.]</ref>.
===Carbohydrate Metabolism and Fermentation Temperature===
''Brettanomyces'' is able to ferment a wide range of sugars. All strains can ferment glucose, and many strains can ferment sucrose, fructose, and maltose, although at a slower rate than glucose. The ability of ''Brettanomyces'' to produce invertase enzyme which breaks sucrose down into glucose and fructose has been attributed to horizontal gene transfer from an unknown bacteria at some point in the evolution of ''Brettanomyces'' <ref name="roach_2019">[ New genome assemblies reveal patterns of domestication and adaptation across Brettanomyces (Dekkera) species. Michael J. Roach, Anthony R. Borneman. 2019. DOI:]</ref>. Some strains can also ferment galactose, mannose, ethanol, acetic acid, malic acid, and glycerol, although historically there are some contradicting studies in science regarding the specifics (more recent studies tend to use better methods), probably due to the genetic diversity of ''Brettanomyces'' species, and many previously published studies do not specify whether testing conditions were aerobic or anaerobic even though the availability of oxygen effects whether or not certain sugars can be fermented by a given strain of ''Brettanomyces'' <ref name="Steensels"></ref><ref name="smith_divol_2016"></ref><ref name="Smith_2018" />. For example, the species ''B. naardenensis'' can ferment a wide range of carbon sources, including galactose, maltose, xylose, trehalose, cellobiose, rhamnose, and arabinose <ref name="Tiukova_2019" /><ref>[ INVESTIGATION OF THE POTENTIAL OF XYLOSE ASSIMILATION BY
BRETTANOMYCES BRUXELLENSIS. Jackeline M. Silva, Gilberto H. Teles, Ester Ribeiro & Will B. Pita. Department of Antibiotics, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Aug 2024.]</ref>. Acetic acid, glycerol, succinic acid, and ethanol are only consumed if oxygen is present <ref name="smith_divol_2016"></ref>. The addition of H+ acceptors such as acetaldehyde, acetone, pyruvic acid, and other carbonyl compounds, stimulates anaerobic fermentation. Small amounts of oxygen also stimulate fermentation <ref name="yakobson_introduction">[ Yakobson, Chad. The Brettanomyces Project. Introduction. Retrieved 8/11/2015.]</ref>. The presence of small amounts of oxygen can allow some strains of ''Brettanomyces'' to utilize certain carbon sources. For example, several strains of ''B. bruxellensis'' can consume ethanol, glycerol, and acetic acid as food sources only when at least a low amount of oxygen is present (semi-aerobic conditions) and no other sugar is available. Acetic acid and glycerol are used as food sources by some strains only under fully aerobic conditions, but not under semi-aerobic or anaerobic conditions. It has been hypothesized that acetic acid and glycerol are only consumed by ''Brettanomyces'' when ethanol and other food sources are no longer available <ref name="Smith_2018" />.
''Brettanomyces'' strains may possess both alpha and beta-glucosidases. Beta-glucosidase is intracellular (works on sugars that are passed into the cell through the cell wall), while alpha-glucosidase is both intracellular and extracellular (released into the environment by the cell). <ref name="Daenen1">[ Screening and evaluation of the glucoside hydrolase activity in Saccharomyces and Brettanomyces brewing yeasts. L. Daenen, D. Saison, F. Sterckx, F.R. Delvaux, H. Verachtert, G. Derdelinckx. 2007.]</ref><ref name="Kumara_1993">[ Localization and Characterization of α-Glucosidase Activity in Brettanomyces lambicus. H. M. C. Shantha Kumara, S. De Cort and H. Verachtert. 1993.]</ref> These enzymes allow ''Brettanomyces'' strains to break down a broad range of sugars, including long-chain carbohydrate molecules (polysaccharides, dextrins, and cellulose/cellobiose), and to liberate glycosidically bound sugars which are unfermentable to ''Saccharomyces'' yeasts. <ref name="Steensels"></ref><ref>[ Insight into the Dekkera anomala YV396 genome. Samuel Aeschlimann. Self-published on Eureka Brewing Blog. Spet 2015.]</ref>.
====Ester Production====
''Brettanomyces'' is capable of synthesizing several ethyl esters from ethanol and fatty acids, as well as other types of esters from various alcohol types (methanol, for example). Among the most prolific of these are ethyl acetate (synthesized from ethanol and acetic acid), ethyl lactate (synthesized from ethanol and lactic acid), phenethyl acetate, ethyl caproate, ethyl caprylate, ethyl deconoate <ref name="Tyrawa_2017" />, along with the hydrolysis (breakdown) of isoamyl acetate. Esters have been found to attract fruit flies and other flying insects, which help many species of yeast transfer from one food source to another (namely 2-phenyl-ethanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, ethyl acetate, 2-methyl-1-butanol, and 3-methyl-3-butenol). Some of these esters are also released by blooming flowers and it is thought that the attraction to flowers by insects is also driven by these same esters <ref>[ Chemical signaling and insect attraction is a conserved trait in yeasts. Paul G. Becher, Arne Hagman, Vasiliki Verschut, Amrita Chakraborty, Elżbieta Rozpędowska, Sébastien Lebreton, Marie Bengtsson, Gerhard Flick, Peter Witzgall, Jure Piškur. 2018.]</ref>. During non-mixed fermentations where lactic acid is minimal to none, insignificant amounts of ethyl lactate esters are produced, whereas ethyl caprylate and ethyl caproate have a general increase. With the addition of lactic acid, ethyl lactate levels are greatly increased although may still not reach the flavor threshold level of 250 mg/L (strain dependent), and ethyl acetate is generally slightly increased. The amounts of esters produced vary widely based on species and strain <ref>[ Yakobson, Chad]. Pure Culture Fermentation Characteristics of Brettanomyces Yeast Species and Their Use in the Brewing Industry. Production of Secondary Metabolites. 2011.</ref>. A similar but slower evolution of esters has been seen in a long-term study on examining how Belgian lambic from Cantillon ages in bottles. The study found that lactic acid (produced by lactic acid bacteria) and ethyl lactate increased as bottles aged, while ethyl decanoate and isoamyl acetate decreased, all presumably from ''Brettanomyces'' metabolism over time <ref>[ "Thoughts on Spitaels and Van Kerrebroeck et al, 2015." Dave Janssen. Hors Catégorie Blog. 02/20/2016. Retrieved 03/15/2016.]</ref>.
Ester production peaks towards the end of growth and is influenced by temperature, aeration/agitation, and pH. Spaepen and Verachtert found in one study that the optimal temperature for growth and thus ester production was 28°C (77°F), although they did not test higher temperatures. This study also found that continuously shaken samples produced relatively fewer esters, as well as samples that were not exposed to oxygen at all. The highest ester production was found under conditions of limited oxygen supply (semi-aerobic versus aerobic or anaerobic), no agitation, held at a temperature of 28°C (77°F), and young cells produced more esters than older cells. It also found that esterase activity (esterase is the enzyme that facilitates ester production and destruction) increases as pH rises until a pH of 7.6 is reached, after which it begins to decline again. It was shown that the ester formation/degradation was indeed caused by enzymatic activity of any ''Brettanomyces'' species/strain, and not caused by chemical reactions or from ''Saccharomyces'' or ''Kloeckera'' activity <ref name="Spaepen"></ref>. Another study by Tyrawa et al. found that all strains of ''B. bruxellensis'' tested produced above threshold levels of ethyl caproate, ethyl caprylate, and ethyl deconoate esters at 15°C versus 22.5°C, but for some strains the higher fermentation temperature of 22.5°C produced significantly more of these esters than the lower 15°C temperature (other strains produced similar levels of esters at both temperatures, although they fermented slower at 15°C) <ref name="Tyrawa_2017" />.
| [[Ethyl acetate]] (fruity, pineapple, pear, solventy, nail polish remover) || [[Acetic Acid]] and ethanol || 33ppm (odor), 100ppm (flavor) || C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>8</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref>[ PubChem. Ethyl Acetate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || High flavor threshold; pineapple or pear-like in low amounts and nail polish in high amounts. Increases production with higher temperatures and oxygen. Also produced by ''Saccharomyces'' species <ref name="Hubbe" />.
| Ethyl butyrate (pineapple, mango, tropical fruit <ref>[ Ethyl Butyrate Beer Flavour Standard. FlavorActIV. Retrieved 6/20/2015.]</ref>, juicy fruit gum <ref>Private corrospondance with Richard Preiss by Dan Pixley. 12/1/2016.</ref>) || [[Butyric Acid]] and ethanol || 0.4ppm (flavor) <ref>[ Flavoractiv. Ethyl butyrate. Retrieved 1/18/2015.]</ref> || C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>12</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref name="pubchem_ethylbutyrate">[ PubChem. Ethyl Butyrate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || Low levels of production by some species of Brettanomyces; production decreases with higher acidity <ref name="yakobson1">[ Yakobson, Chad. Pure Culture Fermentation Characteristics of Brettanomyces Yeast Species and Their Use in the Brewing Industry. Pure Culture Fermentation Discussion. 2011.]</ref>. Also known as ethyl butanoate <ref name="pubchem_ethylbutyrate"></ref>.
| Ethyl caproate (sweet, fruity, pineapple, banana, apple or aniseed) || Caproic acid and ethanol <ref>[ Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. Batt, Carl A. Academic Press. Sep 28, 1999. Pg 320.]</ref> || 0.2ppm (flavor) <ref>[ Aroxa. ethyl hexanoate. Retrieved 1/18/2015.]</ref> || C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>16</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref>[ PubChem. Ethyl Caproate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || Also known as Ethyl hexanoate, Ethyl butyl acetate, and butylacetate <ref>[ Chemspider. Ethylhexanoat. Retrieved 1/18/2015.]</ref>. Can also be produced by ''Saccharomyces'' species <ref name="Hubbe" />.
| Ethyl isovalerate (fruity, sweet, berry-like with a ripe, pulpy fruit nuance, artificial grape <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate">[ Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Fifth Edition. George A. Burdock. CRC Press, Dec 3, 2004. Pg 587.]</ref>) <ref name="Joseph"></ref><ref name="lucy_joseph"></ref><ref name="Lucy_2015" /> || [[Isovaleric Acid]] and ethanol || 30ppm (flavor) <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate"></ref> || C<sub>7</sub>H<sub>14</sub>O<sub>2</sub> (same as ethyl valerate) <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate"></ref> || Also found in pineapple, orange juice and peel oil, bilberry, blueberry, strawberry, Swiss cheese, other cheeses, cognac, rum, whiskey, sherry, grape wines, cocoa, passion fruit, mango, and mussels <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylisovalerate"></ref>. Also known as Ethyl 3-methylbutanoate <ref name="Joseph"></ref>. Not identified as a major product of ''B. bruxellensis'', but is produced in large quantities by some strains <ref name="Lucy_2015" />.
| Ethyl lactate (fruity, creamy, rum <ref>[ Best Aroma website. Ethyl Lactate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref><ref>[ Dictionary of Flavors. Dolf De Rovira. John Wiley & Sons, Feb 28, 2008. Pg 384.]</ref>) || [[Lactic Acid]] and ethanol || 0.2 ppm-1.66 ppm (odor) <ref>[ Haz-Map, Ethyl Lactate odor threshold.]</ref> || C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>10</sub>O<sub>3</sub> <ref>[ PubChem. Ethyl Lactate. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || Increases production with higher amounts of Lactic Acid <ref>[ Yakobson, Chad. The Brettanomyces Project. Impact of the Initial Concentration of Lactic Acid on Pure Culture Fermentation. Retrieved 6/16/2015.]</ref>
| Ethyl valerate (Sweet, fruity, acidic, pineapple, apple, green, berry, tropical, bubblegum <ref name="Lucy_2015" /><ref name="goodscents_ethylvalerate">[ The Good Scents Company. Ethyl Valerate article. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref>) <ref name="Joseph">[ Supplemental Data for: Joseph, C.M.L., E.A. Albino, S.E. Ebeler, and L.F. Bisson. Brettanomyces bruxellensis aroma-active compounds determined by SPME GC-MS olfactory analysis. 2015.]</ref><ref name="lucy_joseph">[ Impact of Brettanomyces on Wine. Presentation by Lucy Joseph of UC Davis. Retrieved 08/15/2015.]</ref> || Valeric Acid (pentanoic acid) and ethanol || 1500-5000 ppm (odor) <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylvalerate">[ Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Fifth Edition. George A. Burdock. CRC Press, Dec 3, 2004. Pg 638.]</ref> || C<sub>7</sub>H<sub>14</sub>O<sub>2</sub> <ref name="goodscents_ethylvalerate" /> || Valeric acid quantities found in beer are minimal (0-1 ppm) and below odor threshold <ref>[ Organoleptic Threshold Values of Some Organic Acids in Beer. Sigmund Engan. 1973.]</ref><ref>[ Aroma of Beer, Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages. L. Nykänen, H. Suomalainen. Springer Science & Business Media, May 31, 1983.]</ref>, and is probably also the case for Ethyl valerate. Ethyl valerate is also known as ethyl pentanoate <ref name="goodscents_ethylvalerate" />. Also found in apples, bananas, guava, stawberry, cheeses, rum, whiskey, cider, sherry, grape wines, cocoa, coffee, honey, and passion fruit <ref name="Fenaroli_ethylvalerate"></ref>. Not identified as a major product of ''B. bruxellensis'', but is produced in large quantities by some strains <ref name="Lucy_2015" />.
* The Australian government may regulate the importation of ''Brettanomyces'' cultures and goods containing, requiring a permit to import. See [ this MTF post by Luke Telford].
==Commercial Cultures==
| Anomalus || ''Dekkera anomala'' || ''Brettanomyces anomalus'' || WLP640 || Typical barnyard funk with some fruitiness; claimed that it can be used for primary fermentation but a starter may be necessary. ||
| Claussenii|| ''Dekkera anomala'' || ''Brettanomyces anomalus'' ||WLP645||Fruity, pineapple. Wine grape-like aroma, with light wood-like, floral, and citrus aromas. More fruit forward in the flavor, clean aftertaste with little to no "funk" <ref name="danpixley_mtf" />. || Approx. 500 million cells per mL; homebrew vials are approx. 17.5 billion cells at 35 mL <ref name="reddit_brett"></ref>. See also [ this MTF thread] and [ this MTF thread] which discuss the purity of this culture, and references [ Yakobson's data] that indicates that it does not attenuate wort efficiently when purely isolated.
| Lambicus|| ''Dekkera bruxellensis'' || ''Brettanomyces bruxellensis'' ||WLP653||Horsey, Smoky, Spicy. High amount of ripe pineapple and overly ripe stone fruit in the aroma and flavor, with mild levels of blue cheese, leather, and spicy phenol in the flavor <ref name="danpixley_mtf" />. ||Different from WY's "lambicus". Approx. 500 million cells per mL; homebrew vials are approx. 17.5 billion cells at 35 mL <ref name="reddit_brett"></ref>.
====Two Approaches to Starters====
There are generally two approaches to handling ''Brettanomyces'' starters. The first is to use a stir plate set to a medium-high RPM with tin foil on top of the flask for 7-8 days, cold crash for a few days, and then decant the beer before pitching the sedimented yeast. The second approach is to use an orbital shaker set to 80 RPM to create a ''semi-aerobic'' environment (this means that the oxygen levels are low, but also not non-existent) for 7-8 days as described in ''The Brettanomyces project'' <ref name="chad_rpm">[ Yakobson, Chad. The Brettanomyces Project. Propagation and Batch Culture Methods. Retrieved 2/18/2015.]</ref>, cold crashing can be skipped, and the entire starter is pitched into the wort. An alternative to the second approach is to use a stir plate on a very low setting so that only a very small "dimple" of a vortex is formed <ref>[ Conversation with Mark Trent, Richard Preiss, and Roy Ventullo on MTF regarding creating a semi-aerobic starter without an orbital shaker. 11/06/2015]</ref>. If a stir plate is not available, give the starter an initial dosage of pure O2, and then cover it with foil so that oxygen can slowly diffuse into the starter, and gently agitate as often as possible <ref>[ Conversation with Nick Impellitteri on MTF in regards to semi-aerobic starters. 2/16/2015.]</ref>.
Oxygen levels are an important factor to consider when deciding which of the above two methods to use for a ''Brettanomyces'' starter. ''Brettanomyces'' creates acetic acid in the presence of oxygen, potentially leading to higher levels of ethyl acetate, which is considered an off flavor in higher amounts. As the amount of oxygen increases, cell growth increases, but so does acetic acid production. The amount of acetic acid produced is species/strain dependent, so some strains may benefit from more aeration without having the negative effect of creating too much acetic acid. Other strains may need a less aerobic starter (semi-aerobic) in order to produce the highest cell count with minimal acetic acid <ref>[ Brettanomyces bruxellensis: effect of oxygen on growth and acetic acid production. Aguilar Uscanga, Délia1, and Strehaiano. 2003.]</ref><ref>[;2-9/abstract Role of oxygen on acetic acid production by Brettanomyces/Dekkera in winemaking. Maurizio Ciani and Luisa Ferraro. April 1999.]</ref><ref>[ Acetic acid production by Dekkera/Brettanomyces yeasts. S.N. Feer. April 2002.]</ref>. In addition to acetic acid production, it has been observed that some ''Brettanomyces'' strains grown under aerobic conditions continue to produce THP when transferred to anaerobic conditions. See [[Tetrahydropyridine#Brettanomyces|THP]] for details.
====Pitching Rate Calculators====
Current yeast pitching calculators for brewers are not adequate for determining ''Brettanomyces'' pitching rates based on starter volume size because the maximum cell density of ''Brettanomyces'' per mL of wort is 3 to 6 times the cell density of ''Saccharomyces''. For example, a given ''Saccharomyces'' strain may reach a cell density of 130 million cells per mL in a 1.040 wort (different ''Saccharomyces'' strains can have different cell densities as well, although they are a lot lower than ''Brettanomyces'' overall). Different ''Brettanomyces'' strain cell densities have been reported to be 600 to 885 million cells per mL in 1.040 wort depending on the species/strain <ref name="Yakobson_Propagation">[ Yakobson, Chad. The Brettanomyces Project. Propagation and Batch Culture Results. Retrieved 2/17/2015]</ref><ref name="MarkTrent">[ Conversation with Mark Trent and Lance Shaner on MTF regarding Brett pitching rates. 07-21-2015.]</ref>. Since yeast calculators are based on ''S. cerevisiae'' or ''S. pastorianus'' cell density, using one of these tools for ''Brettanomyces'' starters will create an unexpectedly high cell count in reality. There is not currently enough publicly available data that the authors of this wiki are aware of to accurately determine starter volumes for ''Brettanomyces'', particularly because each strain and species have a different maximum cell density per mL of wort. However, pitching around 500-600 mL of a ''Brettanomyces'' starter for 5 gallons of 1.060 SG wort will achieve a pitching rate that is similar to lager yeast pitching rates, which has been recommended for [[Brettanomyces_Fermentation|100% Brettanomyces Fermentation]]. [[Omega Yeast Labs]] is currently working on a project to create a more accurate ''Brettanomyces'' pitching rate calculator (it will also contain pitching rate calculations for specific strains of ''Saccharomyces'', which is something that current yeast pitching calculators do not include) <ref name="MarkTrent"></ref>.
Given this information, many brewers historically have been using the lager pitching rate settings in online yeast pitching calculators for ''Brettanomyces'' starters (around 2000 mL for 5 gallons, for example). Effectively, this means they have been pitching around 4 to 5 times the amount of ''Brettanomyces'' cells that they thought they were pitching. However, if this very high pitching rate is giving good results for brewers, it should continue to be used. Exploration of ''Brettanomyces'' pitching rates for 100% Brett fermentations is something to be desired once we know what our pitching rates actually are, and many brewers have been pitching 4-5 times the pitching rate for lagers if they use an online yeast pitching rate calculator instead of counting the cells under a [[Microscope|microscope]].
====MYPG Growth Substrate and Other Laboratory Substrates====
For yeast laboratories, "Malt Yeast Peptone Glucose" growth substrate has been shown to be a better substrate than wort for initially growing ''Brettanomyces'' from a plate or slant. When grown in wort, ''Brettanomyces'' will often go through a 24 hour lag phase, a growth phase, another lag phase, and a second growth phase (all within 7-8 days). When grown in MYPG substrate, there is only a single growth phase and no lag phase, which has been reported by Yakobson to produce a larger cell count in the same amount of time <ref>[ Yakobson, Chad. The Brettanomyces Project. MYPG Compared to Wort as a Growth Substrate. Retrieved 2/18/2015.]</ref>. Cells grown in MYPG also are better adapted to grow in wort <ref>[ Yakobson, Chad. The Brettanomyces Project. Propagation and Batch Culture Discussion. Paragraph 5. Retrieved 2/18/2015.]</ref>. Practical instructions for making this substrate can be found on Jason Rodriguez's blog, "[ Brew Science - Homebrew Blog]". Unfortunately, growing ''Brettanomyces'' pitches in MYPG for breweries isn't very practical due to needing almost 4 times the amount of MYPG versus wort to get the same pitching rate. In a brewery or homebrewery, using wort for ''Brettanomyces'' starters is more practical <ref>[ Conversation with Mark Trent, Lance Shaner, and Richard Preiss on MTF. 09/18/2015.]</ref>.
For other suggested substrates for growing ''Brettanomyces'' and potentially other yeasts, see [[Laboratory_Techniques#Brettanomyces|Laboratory Techniques]].
* [ Insight into the Brettanomyces Mitochondrial Genome, by Eureka Brewing Blog.]
* [ National Collection of Yeast Cultures in the UK - Database on what compounds different species/strains can ferment.]
* [ The Brettanomyces Project - Chad Yakobon's Brett research.]
* [ The Mad Fermentationist - Commercial Brettanomyces, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus Descriptions]
* [ The Mad Fermentationist - Comparison between English Ale yeast and Belgian Ale yeast primary fermentations, and Brett in secondary]

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