→Jasper Yeast
| JY064 - Belgian Ale VII || Belgium || 70-80 || Low || 59-75 || Belgian Abbey yeast producing intense esters at higher temperatures, and strong spice notes at lower temperatures. <ref name="Jasper_Yeast" />
| JY087 - Sacc Brux || Belgium || 70-80 || Very Low || 5970-75 80 || Similar to Sacch Trois; forms a pellicle. Determined to be a [[Saccharomyces#Diastatic_strains_of_Saccharomyces_cerevisiae|diastatic strain of ''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'']] <ref name="Jasper_Yeast" />.
| JY104 - Benedict Abbey || Small brewery in Flemish Brabant, Belgium. || 75-80 || Low || 68-77 || JY104 was handed to Jasper Akerboom when he toured some small microbreweries in the Netherlands and Belgium by a friendly microbrewer. This strain originally belonged to a small brewery in Flemish Brabant in Belgium. The brewery was acquired by a large macrobrewery, and management decided to do away with this precious yeast. Fortunately passionate homebrewers and beer enthusiasts were able to keep some of the yeast going and you can use it now as well! This strain ferments fast, and aggressive. It can be under pitched easily, and attenuates deep. Great esters and phenols, can be slightly peppery. Flocculates slow, but can withstand spunding without a problem. This yeast is great for lighter colored Belgians, but is great for darker Belgians as well. This strain has not been fully characterized, so we do not know what gravity this yeast will ferment. We do know that it attenuates very well, and the initial tests have indicated that can ferment easily to 10% ABV.