Every year the [http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/ American Homebrewers Assocation] hosts the [httphttps://www.ahaconferencehomebrewcon.org/ HomebrewCon (formerly the "National Homebrewers Conference")]. This is a list of seminars that were given at past conferences that involve sour/funk brewing.
All seminars are located hereon the AHA website, and require a membership to the American Homebrewers Association to access: httphttps://www.homebrewersassociation.org/how-to-brew/resources/conference-seminars/
===2023===* Brettanomyces: From Spoilage Organism to Rising Star! by Hugo Picard* Exploring the Wild Side of Spontaneous Fermentation by Chris Leguizamon and Winslow Sawyer* Fruit, Fruit, Fruit! A Practical Guide to Modern Fruit Brewing Techniques by Bret Kollmann Baker* The Hunter of the Lost Beers: A Trip Back into Extinct Beer Styles of Germany and Its Surroundings by Jan Brücklmeier ===2022===* Ancient Grains: Brewing Traditional African Beer at Home by Lucy Corne* Blending Sour Beer for the Homebrewer by Aaron DeBoer, Matt Johnson* Lambics and Flanders for Dummies: An Average Homebrewer’s Sour Beer Journey by Dr. Chris Meta* Next Level Koji: Non-Traditional Koji Fermentation for Brewers by Matt Firetto ===2021===* Brewing the Silk Road: Experimental Fermentations in Ancient Chinese Koji Beer and Mongolian Fermented Milk by Lucas Livingston* Raw Ale: Spicing Up Your Beer By Not Boiling by Lars Marius Garshol* Saison – the Myth, the Legend and What to Do About It. by Drew Beechum* White Koji: A unique ingredient for quick sour beers by Todd Bellomy ===2020===* British Fungus: Brettanomyces in British Brewing by Ron Pasttinson* Méthode Traditionelle: Brewing in the Champagne Method by Annie Johnson (referring to the traditional Champagne method)* Oven Beers: Historical Brewing Techniques by Lars Marius Garshol* The Wonderful World of Kveik by Chris Saunders ===2019===* Brewing Sour Beer at Home: Coolships, Wild Strains, and Commercial Sources by Dr. Douglas Gladue* Flavor Impacts of Brett Fermentation under Pressure by Jonah Greenbaum-Shinder & Chris Saunders of Escarpment Labs* How to Facilitate a Club Barrel-Aging Program and Produce Quality Beer by Aaron De Boer & Matt Johnson* Improving the Quality of Your Sour Beer through Blending by Chris Rabeau* Physiology of Alternative Yeasts and Bacteria: How to Use Unique Organisms to Emphasize Flavors in Beer by Dr. Matthew Humbard* Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus: The Story of a Contaminant Yeast That Shook the Brewing World by Seth Clearwater & Katelyn Roberts* Yeast Harvesting, Banking, and Quality Control by Eric Lowe ===2018===* Aging Beer in a Barrel or Wood Alternatives from Stouts to Sours by Dr. Douglas Gladue* Beasts and Bugs: Using the Science of Kombucha in Brewing Beer by James Czar* Biggest Mistakes in Sour Beer Making by Jay Goodwin* Bringing a Brewery Quality Control Lab into Your Home by Dr. Kevin McCabe ([https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IsB_deiFyJfwKbHiKFf5-YCWwEufHQk1 free presentation material here)]* Imbibing in Ancient Iberia: Celtic to Flemish Brewing and Beyond by Travis Rupp* Kettle Souring: Four Brewers’ Different Approaches by Adam Rabbings, Ben Edmunds, Ben Love, Sean Burke (editor's note: in our opinion, some information in this talk is superseded by the [[Wort_Souring|information on this wiki]])* Sour Power! A Pro Brewer Spontaneous Fermentation Roundtable by Averie Swanson, Dave Logsdon, James Howat, Jeff Mello, and Trevor Rogers* The "Sour" in Sour Beers: Microbiology Sensory Perception and Styles by Robert Hall* Wild Beer Curling: Course Correcting and Guiding Your Beer to Success by Shilpi Halemane* Yeast Genome Changes During Serial Repitching by Maitreya Dunham ===2017===* Achieving the Flavor Profile You Want from the Microorganisms in Your Homebrew by Dr. Douglas Gladue* Against the Grain: Wood Aging and Barrel Alternatives by Matthew Del Fiacco* Becoming a Better Beer Judge Amanda Burkemper (contains a section on mixed fermentation beers)* Beer Blending Tips and Techniques by Aaron Hyde* Brewing Berliner Weisse: Moving Beyond Kettle Souring by Jace Marti* Embrace Your Inner Nerd: Simple Steps to Setting up a Home Lab by Zachary Taggart* Fermenting All of It! Filling the Table with Home Fermented Goodness by John Wilson, Brian Wolf* Lagers to Lambic: Hard Stuff the Easy Way by Derek Springer, Brian Hall* Use of Dry Yeast for Fermentation and Bottle Conditioning by Jennifer Helber * Using Trees in Unsual Ways to Create Unique Flavor Profiles by Marika Josephson, Aaron Kleidon ===2016===* A Timeline for Sour Beer: How to get the Flavors you Want, When you Want Them by Brian Hall* Beers That Flunked The Reinheitsgebot— Or How to Brew with Ingredients from Your Yard Without Killing Your Neighbors by Stan Hieronymus* Brewing Grisette and Saison: Insight from Historical Records and Modern Producers by David Janssen* Brewing Wild by John Wilson and Brian Wolfe* Contemporary Experiments in Ancient Brewing by Steve Hulbert and Ben Freund* Farmhouse Sabbatical: What I’ve Learned from Brewing Saison (And Only Saison) by Kyle Kohlmorgen* Homebrew Bloggers Roundtable by Derek Springer, Marshall Schott, Ed Coffey and Matt Humbard* Hoppy Sour Beers: Taking the Bitter out of IPA by Michael Tonsmeire* Launching a Communal Sours Program by Andy Gamelin* Phenolic Compounds in Beer: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by Mike Lentz* Small Barrel Strategies by James Shamas and CJ Shamas* Trouble-Free Tart Beers: Alternative Souring Methods by Mary Izett* What is Wild Yeast, Where is It, and How do you Brew With It? Jeff Mello ===2015 Seminars===* [http://www.fivebladesbrewing.com/presentations/berliner-and-beyond-sour-mashing-and-its-applications/ Berliner and Beyond: Sour Mashing and Its Applications by Derek Springer]
* How to Brew, Blend, and Maintain an Acid Beer by Jeff Crane
* Practical Blending and Post-Fermentation Adjustments for the Homebrewer by Kyle Kohlmorgen
* Wild and Spontaneous Fermentation at Home by James Howat
===2014 Seminars===
* Barrel Aging – Using Spirits Barrels and Blending Sour Ales in Wood by Brett Vanderkamp & Jason Salas
* Bootleg Brew Science by Jeff Mello
* Yes, Funky Sour Meads by Michael Fairbrother
===2013 Seminars===
* Alternative Wood Aging Techniques by John Gasparine (audio only)
* Methods of Creating and Maintaining a Wild House Culture by Kyle Kohlmorgen
===2012 Seminars===
* A Perspective on Brewing Berliner Weisse-style Beer by Jess Caudil & Jason Kahler
===2011 Seminars===
* Brewing with Brett by Chad Yakobson
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