,BBR Collaborative Flemish Red
| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr06-02-16kellyryan.mp3 NZ Kelly Ryan of Fork and Brewer] || 2016-06 || Roving reporter Will Gallaspy from 32 North Brewing Co in San Diego picks the brain of Kelly Ryan, brewer at Fork and Brewer in Wellington, New Zealand, about sour brewing. Kelly has a background in microbiology, and this interview is yeast and bacteria-centric.
| [http://traffic.libsyn.com/basicbrewing/bbr07-14-16gbflemishred.mp3 Collaborative Flemish Red] || 2016-07 || Christian Layke, brewer at Gordon Biersch's Rockville Maryland location, and Mad Fermentationist Mike Tonsmeire work together on a tasty barrel-aged sour.