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The new equations from [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jib.301/full "Scheuren, Baldus, Methner and Dillenburge (2016): Evaporation behaviour of DMS in an aqueous solution at infinite dilution – a review"] were used to determine the evaporation of DMS during the cooling time (this assumes an open cooling system; closed cooling systems will retain this DMS). Hammond assumed a linear heating rate and used Newton's Law of Cooling with constants based on empirical data taken from his own homebrewing equipment. Evaporation rates were likewise modeled using thermodynamic equations and empirical data from Hammond's equipment. By observing these estimations, it can be seen that no-boil or "raw ale", and wort boiled for short durations, Hammond predicts less DMS than what is predicted using the traditional model.
For the DMS amounts in the following graphs, Hammond calculated the mass of DMS to be 62/164 of a gram of DMS for every gram of SMM decomposed. Since we get one molecule of DMS (62 g/mole) from each molecules molecule of SMM (164 g/mole), we don't get one for one mass of DMS for SMM. Keep that in mind when comparing the decline in the SMM concentration graph to the DMS concentration graph <ref name="hammond">Private correspondence between Mark Hammond and Dan Pixley. 03/15/2016 - 03/23/2016.</ref>.
[[File:DMS Pasteurization.png|none|thumb|500px|SMM conversion to DMS during a 20 minute heat up, 15 minute pasteurization at 82°C, and 60 minute cool down to 20°C. Graph created and provided by [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond].]]