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===Avoiding DMS===
If the brewer is experiencing unwanted DMS in no-boil/raw ale/short boiled beers:
* Avoid With the lid on the boil kettle ("closed system"), avoid allowing wort to stand between 80-100°C/176-212°F (or between 80°C and your area's boiling point). If the lid is off, DMS will continue to evaporate even at lower than boiling temperatures due to its thermodynamic properties, and less will be retained. * If the wort is allowed to stand in the above mentioned temperature rangein a closed system, boil the wort rigorously for a few minutes afterwards, and then quickly cool it below 80°C (176°F).
* Use open and/or shallow fermenters <ref name="bamforth"></ref>.
* Increase fermentation temperature <ref name="bamforth"></ref>.