added reference
When relying on a [[Brettanomyces]] culture for primary fermentation, a starter will often be necessary due to the fact that most yeast labs provide a small cell count for their [[Brettanomyces]] cultures. See the [[Brettanomyces#Starter_Information|Brettanomyces Starter Information]] section for more information on Brett starters.
===Wort Production===
American IPA or American Pale Ale recipes are a tried and true general approach to making wort that is favorable to 100% Brett fermentations. Fruitier hops such as citra, amarillo, galaxy, etc. tend to compliment the light fruity characteristics of a Brett primary fermentation. The addition of body-increasing malts such as oats, unmalted barley, rye, wheat, or carapils may assist with the lack of glycerol that is typical for Brett<ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1177290552299157/?comment_id=1177304778964401&reply_comment_id=1177435872284625&total_comments=4&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R0%22%7D Conversation with Tom Belgrano on MTF. 11/12/2015.]</ref>, but isn't always necessary. Otherwise, wort production can remain the same as it is for an American IPA/Pale Ale recipe.
==About ''Trois''==