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| [https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=531337255688733 Dr. Javier Carvajal Barriga gave a presentation on the reanimation of yeast and the quest to find and brew a beer with yeast from the first brewery in the America's in Quito, Ecuador.] || We asked microbiologists Dr. Matt Humbard and Dr. Bryan Heit to field questions to Dr. Barriga, as the idea of resuscitating very old yeast has been met with a lot of skepticism among microbiologists in the MTF community (specifically the "shipwreck" yeasts in the UK). His technology is very impressive indeed! Dr. Barriga also uses this novel technology to work with the NIH on Sars-COV-2 and HIV. || 12/28/2022
| [https://www.facebook.com/milkthefunkthepodcast/videos/2328591530634925 Interview with MtFunker Giuseppe Caruso about his book "The Botany of Beer".] || Caruso gives a presentation about his exhaustive book on the botany of hundreds of plants that can be used in brewing. || 11/29/2022