fixed EccentricBeekeeper TA spreadsheet link
[[File:TA example.gif|center|Titratable Acidity Example]]
The [httphttps://eccentricbeekeeperdocs.google.com/spreadsheets/titratableacidity.xlsx d/1DR48ivi9xSoKOl3TmsaqhWg8yLlcP6BgO5eKZ-suITo/edit?usp=sharing Eccentric Beekeeper TA Spreadsheet] calculates TA as well as blends of beers with different TA values. It also includes a correction for beer final gravity. The idea is that the more residual sugar there is the less effect the acid will have on your perception. This is likely not that straightforward since you can have varying levels of sweetness at the same given FG <ref>[https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1097532690274944/?comment_id=1097668506928029&offset=0&total_comments=19&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R5%22%7D Conversation with Dave Janssen on MTF. 6/23/2015.]</ref>.
In summary, the measurement of titratable acidity is a technique to quantify the total acid level of a beer. A major assumption was made: all the acid in the liquid was lactic acid. Two beers could have the same TA measurement, but have differing levels of palatable acidity, due to the acid makeup of the beer.