,added Session "Shady Oak Barrel House"
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-ale-apothecary/ The Ale Apothecary] || 2016-08 || Paul Arney, Founder and Brewmaster, joins us to talk about his cottage brewery in the hills, and the very unique style of brewing that he employs. The brewery is built on his own property, where he lives, and he has chosen to take a slower, more historic approach to producing his slow ales, that are often sour, always complex, and very very good. Tune in and learn about his brew system that seems to be comprised almost entirely of wood barrels and how each of his beers takes on a two year life of its own before finding it’s way into his honey infused bottles. Learn about his entirely local raw material sourcing and much, much more. Interview starts at ~40 minutes in.
| [http://www.thebrewingnetwork.com/session-shady-oak-barrel-house/ Shady Oak Barrel House] || 2016-09 || Long-time listener and ultimate winner of our long-lamented television show B.Y.O.B. TV, Steve Doty, is our guest for this episode of The Session. In 2014, Steve opened Shady Oak Barrel House in Santa Rosa, and has been producing some of the most sought-after farmhouse beers in the state. In fact, he was named best new brewer in 2014 by the folks at Rate Beer! Steve talks to us about what it takes to run a barrel house all by yourself, how he approaches blending his beers, and what strange stuff the TTB makes him put on his labels. Interview starts at ~37 mins.