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515 bytes added, 16:14, 7 July 2016
added last paragraph to storage
In order to explore Yakobson's anecdotal observations in a more controlled manner, Mark Trent performed an experiment on storing one strain of ''Brettanomyces'' in wort, MYPG, buffered wort (buffered to prevent a drop in pH), and buffered MYPG, and compared storage of the ''Brettanomyces'' in each of the storage solutions at room temperature versus cold temperatures for 100 days. This single ''Brettanomyces'' strain survived best in unbuffered MYPG at room temperature, and second best in unbuffered wort at room temperature, and survived less in cold storage conditions for all media. See the [[Brettanomyces Storage Survival Experiment]] for more details. Therefore, when storing ''Brettanomyces'' for one month or less in wort (or perhaps beer), it should be stored refrigerated. However, if the ''Brettanomyces'' will be stored for more than one month in wort (or perhaps beer), it should be stored at room temperature (until more data improves our understanding).
Occasional feeding has been shown to keep ''Brettanomyces'' alive in beer for brewers who do not have a lab, however many variables may come into play as far as how effective this will be for individual strains and in different environments. Although no research has been done to indicate what the best practices are for feeding ''Brettanomyces'' to keep it alive in beer, we recommend trying this method: every 3-6 months decant 70-90% of the beer, and replace it with a 1.040 starter wort with yeast nutrients.
===Tips From Brewers===

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