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| Funktown Pale Ale || || 78-80 || Medium-Low || 68-74 || Funktown Pale Ale is a blend of our Vermont Ale strain and <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">a unique strain of Brettanomyces that is well suited for primary fermentation</span> Saccharomyces "Bruxellensis" Trois. The combination of the citrus/peach esters from the Vermont Ale strain and the very light funk and pineapple/mango esters from the Brettanomyces produces a unique flavor and aroma profile that is fruit-forward. Expect this blend to finish drier than the Vermont Ale. We recommend following a similar fermentation scheme as is used for the Vermont Ale, fermenting at 67-69 ºF for 3-4 days, and then raising the temperature to 72 ºF until a stable gravity is reached. Contains a strain that is determined to be [[Saccharomyces#Saccharomyces_cerevisiae_var._diastaticus|''Saccharomyces cerevisiae'' var. ''diastaticus'']] <ref>[https://www.theyeastbay.com/wild-yeast-and-bacteria-products/funktown-pale-ale Funktown Pale Ale. The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 03/20/2018.]</ref>.
| Flanders Specialty Ale || || 80-90 || Medium || 68-80 || This is a single strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from a fascinating Belgian producer of a wide array of traditional Belgian beer styles. This is a versatile yeast that will ferment fairly dry and produce a balanced flavor and aroma profile laced with a myriad of esters and phenols. While fermenting to dryness similar to our Dry Belgian Ale, there remains a pleasant fullness in the mouthfeel and a malt backbone that shines. If you would like the final gravity to remain a bit higher, we recommend mashing around 156 F <ref>[http://www.theyeastbay.com/brewers-yeast-products/flanders-specialty-ale FLANDERS SPECIALTY ALE. The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 02/06/2017.]</ref>. |-| Pakruojis Lithuanian Farmhouse || Not advertised || 90-100 || Low || 75-96 || Pakruojis Lithuanian Farmhouse is a single strain of STA1+ Saccharomyces cerevisiae, isolated from a Lithuanian brewery. This yeast produces beer with a dry, crisp and silky mouthfeel, an ester profile of citrus, and a balanced earthiness with undertones of white peppercorn. This strain exhibits high diastatic activity <ref>[https://www.theyeastbay.com/ The Yeast Bay website. Retrieved 03/09/2020.]</ref>.|-