updated Dara's name
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1406461542715389/ Council Brewing Co's Jeff Crane reports on spontaneously fermenting wort using apple pomace as the only inoculate.] || Jeff Crane || 09/14/2016
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1392709617423915/ Barrel fermented porter with 100 lbs of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes with stems, fermented with red wine yeast (BM45) and ''B. bruxellensis''.] More tips for using Brett in wine from Dara [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1600562803305261/ here]. || Dara Piraino Rae || 08/31/2016
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1360880957273448/ Beer fermented with a Vietnamese culture called "Con me" which translates loosely to "mother" that usually contains LAB and Nematodes.] || Mark Trent || 07/27/2016
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1159544130740466/ Open barrel fermentation with a house culture of English yeast and ''B. claussenii'' using top cropping techniques.] || Joel Stickrod || 10/06/2015
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1146730852021794/ 100% fermented ''B. claussenii'' wine from Malvasia, Petite Manseng and Viognier grapes.] || Dara Piraino Rae || 09/12/2015
| [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1154676014560611/ Amphora discussion and personal Amphora building.] See also [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1455483491146527/ this MTF thread] and [https://www.facebook.com/groups/MilkTheFunk/permalink/1433946813300195/ this MTF thread]. || Eccentric Beekeeper || 09/26/2015