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==Terminology and Combining Techniques==
The techniques used by brewers to create sour, acidic, funky, and wild beers often blur the lines between different established techniques. This makes it difficult to always put a box around a given brewer's process. For example, some brewers will use an open vessel such as a [[coolship]] to cool their wort overnight, and collect ambient microbes from the surrounding environment similar to how [[Spontaneous Fermentation]] is done, but also will add cultures from a laboratory afterwards. Some brewers will use a [[Wort_Souring|kettle souring]] process to create acidity up front, and then pasteurize the beer and age it in a barrel without ''Brettanomyces'', thus creating an acidic beer with residual sugars. Some brewers may first sour wort, not pasteurize it, and then add ''S. cerevisiae'' and ''Brettanomyces'' to the beer to finish the fermentation, and then either steel ferment or barrel ferment the beer. The ways in which different techniques can be combined are too many to list, and are constantly evolving with the creativity of brewers.
In addition to the overlap of different processes, there are also other unresolved issues with labels such as "wild" or "spontaneous". For example, Is a beer only considered "spontaneous" if it is cooled in a coolship, or is it also "spontaneous" if the wort is simply transferred to a barrel that previously held a beer that was inoculated only by ambient microbes from cooling in a coolship? Are microbes that are [[Wild_Yeast_Isolation|wild caught]] from fruit or flowers and then isolated and cultured considered "spontaneous" or "wild" or something else? Some terminology is still up for debate and evolving as brewers continue to discuss them.