moving TYB Funktown Pale Ale to Saccharomyces page since it contains no Brett or LAB
| Saison/Brettanomyces Blend || 80+ || Medium-Low || 70-78 || This blend combines one of the Saccharomyces strains from the Saison Blend and two unique Brettanomyces isolates from our yeast library. The Saccharomyces yeast strain is a strong attenuator that produces a delightful ester profile of grapefruit and orange zest and imparts a long, dry and earthy finish to the beer. The Brettanomyces strains are both good attenuators that produce some fruity esters and mild funk, and add a bright character to the beer. The combination of these yeast produces a dry but balanced character with a delightful ester profile and just the right amount of funk. Approximately 58 billion cells/vial.