→Using Updated Volatilization Equations
In the case of the "0 minute" boil, approximately 175 µg/L of SMM is converted into approximately 20 µg/L of DMS. Just as in the other examples, the DMS continues to volatilize below boiling temperatures in an open cooling system (see [[Dimethyl_Sulfide#Volatility_of_DMS|DMS Volatility]]). Even if the wort was cooled in a closed system and this amount of DMS was retained in the wort, 20 µg/L of DMS is still below the recommended threshold of 100 µg/L of DMS that should be allowed to enter the fermenter <ref name="Scheuren2016mbaa"></ref>.
For comparison sake, a graph of a 60 minute boil is shown below, again with an "open cooling" system that allows continued evaporation of DMS during the cooling period:
[[File:DMS 60Minute.png|none|thumb|500px|SMM conversion to DMS during a 20 minute heat up, 60 minute boil at 100°C, and 60 minute cool down to 20°C. Graph created and provided by [https://www.facebook.com/mark.hammond.1253 Mark Hammond].]]