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For more information on biogenic amines, see the following:
* [http://www.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/89216/http://apps.who.int//iris/bitstream/10665/89216/1/9789240691919_eng.pdf "Public Health Risks of Histamine and other Biogenic Amines from Fish and Fishery Products," FAQ on biogenic amines by the World Health Organization.]
* [[Brettanomyces#Biogenic_Amines|Biogenic amines produced by ''Brettanomyces'']].
* [http://www.horscategoriebrewing.com/2019/01/spontaneous-fermentation-and-biogenic.html "Spontaneous fermentation and biogenic amines" by Dr. Dave Janssen; review of several studies that looked at the levels of biogenic amines in different beers and their production, and their potential flavor contribution.]